Oliver Ullrich: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019

Name Prof. Dr. Oliver Ullrich
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
Anatomisches Institut
8057 Zürich
Telephone044 635 53 11
DepartmentInformation Technology and Electrical Engineering

227-0981-00LCross-Disciplinary Research and Development in Medicine and Engineering Restricted registration - show details
A maximum of 12 medical degree students and 12 (biomedical) engineering degree students can be admitted, their number should be equal.
4 credits2V + 2AV. Kurtcuoglu, D. de Julien de Zelicourt, M. Meboldt, M. Schmid Daners, O. Ullrich
AbstractCross-disciplinary collaboration between engineers and medical doctors is indispensable for innovation in health care. This course will bring together engineering students from ETH Zurich and medical students from the University of Zurich to experience the rewards and challenges of such interdisciplinary work in a project based learning environment.
Learning objectiveThe main goal of this course is to demonstrate the differences in communication between the fields of medicine and engineering. Since such differences become the most evident during actual collaborative work, the course is based on a current project in physiology research that combines medicine and engineering. For the engineering students, the specific aims of the course are to:

- Acquire a working understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the investigated system;
- Identify the engineering challenges in the project and communicate them to the medical students;
- Develop and implement, together with the medical students, solution strategies for the identified challenges;
- Present the found solutions to a cross-disciplinary audience.
ContentAfter a general introduction to interdisciplinary communication and detailed background on the collaborative project, the engineering students will team up with medical students to find solutions to a biomedical challenge. In the process, they will be supervised both by lecturers from ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich, receiving coaching customized to the project. The course will end with each team presenting their solution to a cross-disciplinary audience.
Lecture notesHandouts and relevant literature will be provided.
377-0107-00LNervous System Restricted registration - show details
Only for Human Medicine BSc
5 credits5VD. P. Wolfer, I. Amrein, J. Bohacek, D. Burdakov, G. Schratt, L. Slomianka, O. Ullrich, N. Wenderoth, further lecturers
AbstractStructure and function of the central and peripheral nervous system including its major disorders.
Learning objectiveNach erfolgreichem Abschluss dieses Moduls sollten die Studierenden in der Lage sein
1. wichtige Zelltypen des Nervensystems (Neuronen, Gliazellen) aufgrund ihres Aufbaus und ihrer Funktion zu unterscheiden
2. neurophysiologische Grundlagen der Reizleitung und -verarbeitung im peripheren und zentralen Nervensystem korrekt zu beschreiben
3. die am Aufbau des peripheren und zentralen Nervensystems beteiligten Organstrukturen und Schaltkreise korrekt zu benennen
4. den unterschiedlichen Hirnarealen entsprechende Funktionen bei der Homöostase, Sensorik, Motorik und Kognition zuzuordnen
5. mit dem Funktionsverlust bestimmter Strukturen des zentralen und peripheren Nervensystems einhergehende Krankheitsbilder zu benennen und die Wirkungsweise gängiger Therapieansätze zu verstehen
ContentIn diesem Modul bekommen Studierende einen Überblick über den Aufbau (Anatomie) und die Funktion (Physiologie) des peripheren und zentralen Nervensystems sowie ausgewählter neurologischer Krankheitsbilder (Pathophysiologie). Das Modul ist untergliedert in insgesamt sechs Themenkomplexe:
1. Grundlagen der Neurophysiologie, Reizleitung und -verarbeitung am Beispiel der motorischen Endplatte, peripheres Nervensystem, Assoziierte Krankheitsbilder (Myasthenia gravis)
2. Aufbau, Schaltkreise und Bahnen im Rückenmark, Spinalnerven, motorische Reizleitung im Rückenmark, Rückenmarksläsionen und Schmerz
3. Anatomie und Funktion des Hirnstamms und Hirnnerven sowie deren Bedeutung für Motorik und Sensorik, Läsionen (Hirnstammsyndrome)
4. Anatomie und Funktion von Basalganglien, Thalamus und Hypothalamus, Steuerung des vegetativen Nervensystems (Homöostase, Nahrungs-und Wasseraufnahme), Basalgangliendefekte am Beispiel des Morbus Parkinson
5. Anatomie und Funktion des Cerebellums und vestibulären Systems, Feinsteuerung der Motorik, assoziatives Lernen, Kleinhirnsymptome (Ataxien), Gleichgewichtsorgan
6. Anatomie und Funktion des Großhirns, sensorische und motorische Verarbeitung, Kognition, Lernen und Gedächtnis, neurodegenerative (Alzheimer) und neuropsychiatrische (Schizophrenie) Störungen.
377-0301-11LBlood, Immune System Restricted registration - show details
Die Lehrveranstaltung findet in Deutsch und Englisch statt.
4 credits5VF. Sallusto, L. Flatz, G. Guarda, M. G. Manz, A. Theocharides, O. Ullrich, further lecturers
AbstractThis course will focus on the components and functions of the hematopoietic and the immune systems and on diseases affecting or caused by these systems.
Learning objective1. The organization and development of hematopoiesis including hematopoietic stem cell development; the role of hematopoietic growth and transcription factors in hematopoiesis; the role of hemoglobin in health and disease; erythrocyte physiology and iron metabolism; the principles of blood groups and blood transfusions; the principles of coagulation and the pharmacology of coagulation; the role of platelets and pharmacological platelet inhibition; to define thrombophilia and to understand thrombotic events; the role of leukocytes in health and disease; the analysis of blood samples; the principles of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
2. The development of the immune system; the structure and function of primary and secondary lymphoid organs; the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the innate and adaptive immune systems; the effector mechanisms of immune responses against pathogens; basic concepts of immune-mediated diseases (allergy and autoimmunity), tumor immunology, immunodeficiency, organ transplantation; basic knowledge of therapies.
Content1. Introduction to hematopoiesis, hematopoietic growth factors, hematopoietic transcription factors, erythrocyte physiology, blood groups, blood transfusion, iron metabolism, platelets, coagulation cascade, fibrinolysis, hemoglobin, hemoglobinopathies, leukocytes (granulocytes, monocytes), clinical presentation of neutropenia, pharmacology of hemostasis, clinical presentation of thrombophilia, basics of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, some aspects of laboratory medicine in hematology, virtual microscopy of blood and bone marrow smears.
2. Structure and anatomical position of primary and secondary lymphoid organs, cells and molecules of the innate immune system, T and B cell development and receptor diversity, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and antigen presentation, effector B cells and antibodies, effector T cells, regulatory T cells and cytokines, allergy and hypersensitivities, autoimmunity and anti-inflammatory drugs, transplantation and immunosuppressive drugs, immunodeficiency, immune response in cancer and immunotherapies.
Lecture notesThe course is supported by a Moodle page through which students have access to all necessary documentation.
LiteratureThe essential course material will be available on the course's Moodle Page in the form of lesson handouts
Suggested reference books include:
Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology
Immune system:
Herbert Hof, Rüdiger Dörries; unter Mitarbeit von: Gernot Geginat, Dirk Schlüter und Constanze Wendt Medizinische Mikrobiologie Thieme 2017
Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S. Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System, 5th ed.
W. B. Saunders Co., 2016;
Prerequisites / NoticeThe Immune system part of this course builds on the content of the "Infection and Immunology" course.
377-0311-00LClinical Anatomy Lab Restricted registration - show details
Only for Human Medicine BSc
5 credits7PJ. Loffing, O. Ullrich, I. Amrein, G. Colacicco, N. Lier, further lecturers
AbstractTopographical Anatomy and Radioanatomy of the head, skull, central nervous system, neck and neck organs, upper and lower extremities, thoracic wall and organs, abdominal wall and organs, pelvis and pelvic organs, dorsal muscles, vessels, nerves, functions, clinical aspects. Methods: Anatomical dissection of human bodies.
Learning objectiveLearning and understnding of the detailed composition and function of the healty human body and ist components. Learning of selected examples of relevant radiographic anatomy and their implication in clinical medical work.
ContentTopographic – and radiographic anatomy of selected anatomical regions. Students dissect these regions and discuss important clinical content with aid of assistents.