Annunziato Siviglia: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

Name Dr. Annunziato Siviglia
V. Wasserbau, Hydrologie u. Glaz.
ETH Zürich
Hönggerbergring 26
8093 Zürich
DepartmentCivil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

102-0259-00LEcohydraulics and Habitat Modelling3 credits2GR. Stocker, K.‑D. Jorde, A. Peter, A. Siviglia
AbstractAt a time in which humans have significantly affected the natural environment and yet society increasingly values the many services of natural ecosystems, accounting for ecological processes in engineering design is a major contemporary challenge for environmental and civil engineers.
Learning objectiveThis is the fundamental topic in ecohydraulics, the discipline that focuses on the consequences of fluid flow and related physical processes on the organisms that inhabit aquatic environments. While still a young science, ecohydraulics already endows the engineer with an overall understanding and quantitative tools to predict how physical processes shape habitat quality and quantity, enabling the analysis of different management options for natural and man-made water bodies in terms of their ecosystem consequences.
ContentThis class will take a broad view of ecohydraulics and introduce students to key concepts in aquatic habitat modeling. Recognizing that an ecosystem is composed of diverse organisms with different seasonal habitat requirements across a range of scales, the class will focus on multiple representative groups of organisms, including fish, macroinvertebrates, plankton, and vegetation. The lectures will build on the students' knowledge of hydraulics, to give them both an appreciation for the dependence of organisms on their physical environment and a set of quantitative modeling approaches that they can take with them into engineering practice, in fields ranging from hydropower development and upgrade, to reservoir operation, river restoration, flood protection, water management and beyond. At the broadest scale, this class will contribute to the students' appreciation of the tight link between the natural and the built or impacted environment, and of the imperatives of considering both in the design process.
102-0527-00LExperimental and Computer Laboratory I (Year Course) Information Restricted registration - show details 0 credits6PD. Braun, L. Biolley, F. Evers, M. Floriancic, P. U. Lehmann Grunder, B. Lüthi, S. Pfister, A. Siviglia, A. Stritih, D. F. Vetsch, L. von Känel
AbstractIn the Experimental and Computer Laboratory students are introduced to research and good scientific practice. Experiments are conducted in different disciplines of environmental engineering. Data collected during experiments are compared to the corresponding numeric simulations. The results are documented in reports or presentations.
Learning objectiveThe student will learn the following skills: basic scientific work, planning and conducting scientific experiments, uncertainty estimations of measurements, applied numerical simulations, modern sensor technology, writing reports.
ContentThe Experimental and Computer Laboratory is building on courses in the corresponding modules. Material from these courses is a prerequisite or co-requisite (as specified below) for participating in the Experimental and Computer Laboratory (MODULE: Project in the Experimental and Computer Laboratory):
- WatInfra: Water Network Management
- UWM: SysUWM + ProcUWM: Operation of Lab-WWTP
- AIR: Air Quality Measurements
- WASTE: Anaerobic Digestion
- ESD: Environmental Assessment
- GROUND: Groundwater Field Course Kappelen
- WRM: Modelling Optimal Water Allocation
- FLOW: 1D Open Chanel Flow Modelling
- LAND: Landscape Planning and Environmental Systems
- RIVER: Discharge Measurements
- HydEngr: Hydraulic Experiments
- RemSens: Microwave Measurements
- SOIL: Soil and Environmental Measurements Lab
Lecture notesWritten material will be available.