Ute Katharina Vogler: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2018

Name Dr. Ute Katharina Vogler
Julius Kühn-Institut
Messeweg 11/12
Pflanzenschutz Gartenbau u Forst
38104 Braunschweig
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

751-4202-00LHorticulture II2 credits2GC. Carlen, U. K. Vogler
AbstractOverview on horticulture (international and national), insights into principles of practical fruit production (pre- and post-harvest), viticulture (incl. some hints on wine making), berry production and vegetable production in Switzerland.
Learning objectiveInsights into fruit production (world and Switzerland), particularly ...
- Main production areas (international & national)
- Relevance (international & national)
- Key aspects of production (Switzerland), i.e. selected aspects referring to varieties, production techniques incl. physiology and plant protection, economics
- Key challenges (Switzerland)
- Selected, interesting research and development projects
ContentThe relevance of horticulture at the international level will be treated in the first block.
During the semester in autumn (Horticultural Crops I), post harvest aspects in fruit production are discussed in 2 blocks of 4h. Following on this, viticulture (incl. some aspects of wine making) will be looked at in 3 blocks of 4h. During the spring semester (Horticultural Crops II), 3 blocks of 4h deal with vegetable production, and 2 blocks of 4h are addressing berry production.
Lecture notesDelivered during the lectures by the different teachers, ELBA upload.
LiteratureNot needed, maybe specific literature is specified by the different teachers.
Prerequisites / NoticeLanguage and script: German or French, maybe selected parts in English.