Eva Lieberherr: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

Name Prof. Dr. Eva Lieberherr
Gruppe Natural Resource Policy
ETH Zürich, SOL G 2
Sonneggstrasse 33
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 93 36
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science
RelationshipAdjunct Professor

701-0559-00LSeminar for Bachelor Students: Forest and Landscape2 credits2SH. Bugmann, E. Lieberherr, P. Rotach
AbstractInterdisciplinary seminar on forest and landscape issues with particular emphasis on the key processes shaping the development of forest ecosystems and landscapes.
Learning objective- To analyze scientific original articles and other complex materials critically and to present the results in an understandable way.
- To understand selected processes, cases and methods related to forest and landscape issues.
- To be able to analyze problems related to forest ecosystems and landscape from the viewpoint of various disciplines.
ContentBiological, ecological, physical and technical processes with impacts on the community, ecosystem and landscape scale. Social processes and institutions with relation to land use. Products and services of forest ecosystems and landscapes. Forest management systems. The contributions will be organized around topical clusters.
Lecture notesNo script available. The seminar papers will be made available to all particpants in electronic form.
LiteratureLiterature references will be provided by the lecturers.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe credits are given if the following requirements are met
a) oral presentation (15-20 Min + discussion)
b) seminar paper (up to approx. 5 pages, with references, no powerpoint printout).
The contributions can be presented in German or English. We expect a regular and active participation.
701-0747-00LEnvironmental Policy of Switzerland
The lecture takes place in CHN F46.
3 credits2VE. Lieberherr, F. Metz, J. Wilkes-Allemann
AbstractThis course presents the basics of public policy analysis and the specific characteristics of Swiss environmental policy. Policy instruments, actors and processes are addressed from a political science perspective both theoretically as well as by means of current Swiss environmental policy examples.
Learning objectiveBeyond acquiring basic knowledge about public policy analysis, this course teaches students how to analytically address current and concrete questions of environmental policy. Through exercises the students learn about political science concepts and frameworks as well as real-life political decision-making processes. The well-grounded examination of complex political conflict situations is an important precondition for the entry into the (environmental policy) workforce or a future research career.
ContentThe processes of change, overuse or destruction of the natural environment through humans have historically placed high demands on social and political institutions. In the interplay between the environment, society and economy, the environmental policy field encompasses the sum of public measures that have the goal to eliminate, reduce or avoid environmental degradation. The course systematically presents the basics of environmental policy instruments, actors, programs and processes as well as their change over time. Invited practitioners will provide us with insight regarding the current developments in forest, water and spatial planning policies. A key aspect is the distinction between politics and political science and specifically environmental policy.
Lecture notesThe lecture is based on the book Ingold et al., 2016 mentioned below. In addition to this lecture material and exercises will be posted on Moodle.
LiteratureThe lecture is based on the following book:
Ingold, K., Lieberherr, E., Schläpfer, I., Steinmann, K. und Zimmermann, W. 2016. Umweltpolitik der Schweiz: ein Lehrbuch. Zürich: Dike Verlag.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe detailed semester program (syllabus) is made available to the students at the beginning of the semester.
During the lecture we will work with Moodle and eduApp. We ask that all students register themselves on these platforms before the lecture and to bring a laptop, tablet or smartphone to class, so that you can complete exercises using Moodle and eduApp.
701-1651-00LEnvironmental Governance Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.
3 credits2GE. Lieberherr, G. de Buren, R. Schweizer
AbstractThe course addresses environmental policies, focusing on new steering approaches, which are generally summarized as environmental governance. The course also provides students with tools to analyze environmental policy processes and assesses the key features of environmental governance by examining various practical environmental policy examples.
Learning objectiveTo understand how an environmental problem may (not) become a policy and explain political processes, using basic concepts and techniques from political science.

To analyze the evolution as well as the key elements of environmental governance.

To be able to identify the main challenges and opportunities for environmental governance and to critically discuss them with reference to various practical policy examples.
ContentImprovements in environmental quality and sustainable management of natural resources cannot be achieved through technical solutions alone. The quality of the environment and the achievement of sustainable development strongly depend on human behavior and specifically the human uses of nature. To influence human behavior, we rely on public policies and other societal rules, which aim to steer the way humans use natural resources and their effects on the environment. Such steering can take place through government intervention alone. However, this often also involves governance, which includes the interplay between governmental and non-governmental actors, the use of diverse tools such as emission standards or financial incentives to steer actors' behavior and can occur at the local, regional, national or international level.

In this course, we will address both the practical aspects of as well as the scientific debate on environmental governance. The course gives future environmental experts a strong basis to position themselves in the governance debate, which does not preclude government but rather involves a spectrum from government to governance.

Key questions that this course seeks to answer: What are the core characteristics of environmental challenges from a policy perspective? What are key elements of 'environmental governance' and how legitimate and effective are these approaches in addressing persistent environmental challenges?
Lecture notesLecture slides and additional course material will be provided on Moodle.
LiteratureWe will mostly work with readings from the following books:
- Carter, N. (2007). The politics of the environment: Ideas, activism, policy (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Hogl, K., Kvarda, E., Nordbeck, R., Pregernig, M. (Eds) (2012): Environmental Governance: The Challenge of Legitimacy and Effectiveness. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Prerequisites / NoticeA detailed course schedule will be made available at the beginning of the semester.
During the lecture we will work with Moodle. We ask that all students register themselves on this platform before the lecture and to bring a laptop, tablet or smartphone to class, so that you can complete exercises using Moodle.

We recommend that students have (a) three-years BSc education of a (technical) university; (b) successfully completed Bachelor introductory course to environmental policy (Entwicklungen nationaler Umweltpolitik (or equivalent)) and (c) familiarity with key issues in environmental policy and some fundamental knowledge of one social science or humanities discipline (political science, economics, sociology, history, psychology, philosophy)