Andreas Pautz: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2020

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Andreas Pautz
(Professor Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL))
PH D3 465 (Bâtiment PH)
Station 3
1015 Lausanne
Telefon+41 21 69 33385
DepartementMaschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik

151-2037-00LNuclear Computations Lab
Students registered at ETH Zurich have to enroll to this course at ETH. EPFL students can enroll to this course directly at EPFL.
3 KP3GA. Pautz, H. Ferroukhi, weitere Dozierende
KurzbeschreibungTo acquire hands-on experience with the running of large computer codes in relation to the static analysis of nuclear reactor cores and the multi-physics simulation of nuclear power plant (NPP) dynamic behaviour.
LernzielTo acquire hands-on experience with the running of large computer codes in relation to the static analysis of nuclear reactor cores and the multi-physics simulation of nuclear power plant (NPP) dynamic behaviour.
Inhalt- Lattice (assembly) calculations
- Thermal-hydraulic analysis
- Reactor core analysis
- Multi-physics core dynamics calculations
- Best-estimate NPP transient analysis
LiteraturDistributed documents, recommended book chapters
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesRequired prior knowledge: Special Topics in Reactor Physics, Nuclear Safety
151-2045-00LDecommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants
Students registered at ETH Zurich have to enroll to this course at ETH. EPFL students can enroll to this course directly at EPFL.
4 KP3GA. Pautz, F. Leibundgut, H.‑M. Prasser
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to aspects of Nuclear Power Plant decommissioning including project planning and management, costs and financing, radiological characterization, dismantling/decontamination technologies, safety aspects and radioactive waste management considerations.
LernzielAim of this course is to provide the students with an overview of the multidisciplinary issues that have to be addressed for the successful decommissioning of NPPs. Students will get exposed to principles of project management, operations management, cost estimations, radiological characterization, technologies relevant to the safe dismantling of NPPs and best-practice in the context of radioactive waste management.
InhaltLegal framework, project management and operations methods and tools, cost estimation approaches and methods, nuclear calculations and on-site radiological characterization and inventorying, state-of-the-art technologies for decontamination and dismantling, safety considerations, state-of-the-art practice for radioactive waste treatment, packaging and transport, interface with radioactive waste management and disposal. The course will additionally include student visits to relevant nuclear sites in Switzerland and Germany.
SkriptSlides will be handed out.
Literatur1. "Nuclear Decommissioning: Planning, Execution and International Experience", M. Laraia, Woodhead Publishing, 2012
2. "Cost Estimation: Methods and Tools", G.M. Mislick and D.A. Nussbaum, Wiley, 2015
3. "The Oxford Handbook of Megaproject Management", B. Flyvbjerg, Oxford University Press, 2017