Christoph Hölscher: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2017 |
Name | Prof. Dr. Christoph Hölscher |
Field | Cognitive Science |
Address | Chair of Cognitive Science ETH Zürich, RZ E 23 Clausiusstrasse 59 8092 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telephone | +41 44 632 31 96 | | |
Department | Humanities, Social and Political Sciences |
Relationship | Full Professor |
Number | Title | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
851-0252-01L | Human-Computer Interaction: Cognition and Usability Number of participants limited to 30. Particularly suitable for students of D-ITET | 3 credits | 2S | C. Hölscher, I. Barisic, S. Ognjanovic | |
Abstract | This seminar introduces theory and methods in human-computer interaction and usability. Cognitive Science provides a theoretical framework for designing user interfaces as well as a range of methods for assessing usability (user testing, cognitive walkthrough, GOMS). The seminar will provide an opportunity to experience some of the methods in applied group projects. | ||||
Learning objective | This seminar will introduce key topics, theories and methodology in human-computer interaction (HCI) and usability. Presentations will cover the basics of human-computer interaction and selected topics like mobile interaction, adaptive systems, human error and attention. A focus of the seminar will be on getting to know evaluation techniques in HCI. Students will work in groups and will first familiarize themselves with a select usability evaluation method (e.g. user testing, GOMS, task analysis, heuristic evaluation, questionnaires or Cognitive Walkthrough). They will then apply the methods to a human-computer interaction setting (e.g. an existing software or hardware interface) and present the method as well as their procedure and results to the plenary. Active participation is vital for the success of the seminar, and students are expected to contribute to presentations of foundational themes, methods and results of their chosen group project. In order to obtain course credit a written essay / report will be required (details to be specified in the introductory session of the course). | ||||
851-0252-04L | Behavioral Studies Colloquium Number of participants limited to 50. | 2 credits | 2K | E. Stern, H.‑D. Daniel, D. Helbing, C. Hölscher, B. Rütsche, R. Schubert, C. Stadtfeld | |
Abstract | This colloquium offers an opportunity for students to discuss their ongoing research and scientific ideas in the behavioral sciences, both at the micro- and macro-levels of cognitive, behavioral and social science. It also offers an opportunity for students from other disciplines to discuss their research ideas in relation to behavioral science. The colloquium also features invited research talks. | ||||
Learning objective | Students know and can apply autonomously up-to-date investigation methods and techniques in the behavioral sciences. They achieve the ability to develop their own ideas in the field and to communicate their ideas in oral presentations and in written papers. The credits will be obtained by a written report of approximately 10 pages. | ||||
Content | This colloquium offers an opportunity for students to discuss their ongoing research and scientific ideas in the behavioral sciences, both at the micro- and macro-levels of cognitive, behavioral and social science. It also offers an opportunity for students from other disciplines to discuss their ideas in so far as they have some relation to behavioral science. The possible research areas are wide and may include theoretical as well as empirical approaches in Social Psychology and Research on Higher Education, Sociology, Modeling and Simulation in Sociology, Decision Theory and Behavioral Game Theory, Economics, Research on Learning and Instruction, Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Science. Ideally the students (from Bachelor, Master, Ph.D. and Post-Doc programs) have started to start work on their thesis or on any other term paper. Course credit can be obtained either based on a talk in the colloquium plus a written essay, or by writing an essay about a topic related to one of the other talks in the course. Students interested in giving a talk should contact the course organizers (Rütsche, Stern) before the first session of the semester. Priority will be given to advanced / doctoral students for oral presentations. The course credits will be obtained by a written report of approximately 10 pages. The colloquium also serves as a venue for invited talks by researchers from other universities and institutions related to behavioral and social sciences. | ||||
851-0252-05L | Research Colloquium Cognitive Science Prerequisite: Participants should be involved in research in the cognitive science group. | 1 credit | 2K | C. Hölscher, V. Schinazi, T. Thrash | |
Abstract | The colloquium provides a forum for researchers and graduate students in cognitive science to present/discuss their ongoing projects as well as jointly discuss current publications in cognitive science and related fields. A subset of the sessions will include invited external visitors presenting their research. Participants of this colloquium are expected to be involved in active research group. | ||||
Learning objective | Graduate student train and improve their presentation skills based on their own project ideas, all participants stay informed on current trends in the field and have the opportunity for networking with invited scholars. | ||||
851-0252-08L | Cognition in Studio Design - Analytic Tools for Evidence-Based Design Number of participants limited to 25 | 3 credits | 2S | B. Emo Nax, M. Brösamle, C. Hölscher | |
Abstract | How can Behavioral and Cognitive Science inform architecture? In this project-oriented course, students are introduced to cognitive and analytical methods to evaluate their design projects. Existing theories are introduced and complemented with hands-on sessions, in which students learn how to implement a range of methods. The course is tailored for students from relevant design studios. | ||||
Learning objective | Taking the perspectives of the end user (occupants and visitors) is vital for a human-centered design approach. Students will learn about relevant theory and methods in cognitive science and environmental psychology that can be used to address human cognitive and behavioral needs in built environments. The foundations of environmental psychology and human spatial cognition will be introduced. A focus of the course will be on how people perceive their surroundings and orient in space. Students will learn about a range of methods including real-world observation, and methods of architectural analysis such as space syntax. Students will also be exposed to behavior simulation in design, virtual reality experiments, and eye-tracking. Students will reflect the roles of designers and other stakeholders with respect to human-centered design as well as an evidence-based design perspective. The course is tailored for students from a relevant design studio. Upon registering, students should send an email about their design studio to As an alternative to obtaining D-GESS credit, architecture students can obtain course credit in "Vertiefungsfach" or "Wahlfach". | ||||
851-0252-10L | Research Seminar in Behavioural Finance Number of participants limited to 10 Particularly suitable for students of D-MTEC | 2 credits | 2S | S. Andraszewicz, C. Hölscher | |
Abstract | In this seminar, students will study cognitive processes, behaviour and the underlying biological response to financial decisions. Research methods such as asset market experiments, lottery games, risk preference assessment, psychometrics, neuroimaging and psychophysiology of decision processes will be discussed. Financial bubbles and crashes will be the core interest. | ||||
Learning objective | This course has four main goals: 1) To learn how to conduct behavioural studies, design experiments, plan data collection and experimental tasks 2) To learn about standard research methods in Behavioural Finance 3) To learn about causes of market crashes, factors that influence them, traders' behaviour before, during and after financial crises 4) To investigate a topic of interest, related to behaviour of traders during market crashes. | ||||
851-0609-08L | Experimental Brownbag Meeting - Research Seminar in Experimental Economics, Sociology and Psychology If you are interested in presenting in the seminar, please contact Jan Schmitz (, and state your preferred date of presentation, the title of the presentation and whether the presentation is a design presentation or a full paper presentation | 0 credits | 1S | J. Schmitz, M. Grieder, C. Hölscher, M. Schonger, R. Schubert, C. Waibel, S. Wehrli | |
Abstract | The aim of the seminar is to establish a research and networking platform for researchers conducting social science experiments at the ETH and to offer an outlet to present designs for laboratory and field experiments before data collection. Presentations of first study results and working papers are also welcome. | ||||
Learning objective | The research seminar is open to all faculty interested in experimental research in the areas of economics, sociology and psychology. The aim of the seminar is to establish a research and networking platform for researchers conducting experiments at the ETH and to offer an outlet to present designs for laboratory and field experiments before data collection. Presentations of first study results and working papers are also welcome. Objective: Establish a research and networking platform for researchers conducting experiments at the ETH and to offer an outlet to present designs for laboratory and field experiments before data collection. Presentations of first study results and working papers are also welcome. |