Johan Six: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2015

Name Prof. Dr. Johan Six
FieldSustainable Agroecosystems
Institut für Agrarwissenschaften
ETH Zürich, LFH B 1
Universitätstrasse 2
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 84 83
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science
RelationshipFull Professor

751-1000-00LInterdisciplinary Project Work Information Restricted registration - show details
Prerequisite: successful completion of the bachelor programme.
3 credits4UB. Dorn, E. Frossard, L. Meile, H. Adelmann, N. Buchmann, C. De Moraes, P. A. Fischer, M. C. Härdi-Landerer, M. Kreuzer, U. Merz, S. Peter, M. Schuppler, M. Siegrist, J. Six, S. E. Ulbrich, A. Walter
AbstractDie Studierenden der Agrar- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften erarbeiten in interdisziplinären Teams Lösungen für Probleme, welche ihnen von Projektpartner im Bereich der Nahrungsmittelwertschöpfungskette gestellt werden.
Learning objectiveDie Studierenden kennen
- die Grundlagen des Zeit- und Projektmanagements
- Vorgehensweisen, um Probleme, die ihnen von Projektpartnern gestellt werden, zielorientiert zu lösen.
ContentDie Studierenden der Agrar- und Lebensmittelwissenschaft erarbeiten in interdisziplinären Teams Lösungen für Probleme, welche ihnen von Projektpartnern entlang der Nahrungsmittelwertschöpfungskette gestellt werden. Die Studierenden präsentieren und diskutieren die Lösungsvorschläge an der Schlussveranstaltung mit den Projektpartnern und verfassen einen schriftlichen Projektbericht.
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Anwesenheit der Studierenden an der Startveranstaltung am 26.2.2015 gemäss speziellem Programm ist Pflicht.
751-5000-00LSustainable Agriculture Restricted registration - show details 2 credits3GJ. Six, A. Hofmann
AbstractThis lecture with integrated exercises introduces the biophysical factors, processes and interactions that control the functioning of temperate and tropical agroecosystems. Students will be guided to critically examine agricultural practices and management strategies to increase resource use efficiency, while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and ensuring socio-economic viability.
Learning objectiveStudents critically analyze concepts of sustainable agriculture.
LiteratureMartin, K. und Sauerborn, J. (2013) Agroecology. Springer, 330 S.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe integrated exercises allow students to put their knowledge on agroecosystems into practice in a greenhouse experiment, the "Complex vegetable system challenge".
751-5102-00LBiogeochemical Modeling2 credits2GJ. Lee, J. Six, A. Hofmann, M. Necpalova
AbstractThis class provides an introduction to biogeochemical modeling in the context of agricultural systems. It covers the general background and principles of modeling agroecosystem biogeochemistry. The topical focus is on soil processes. Plant growth and development is included as a side topic. The course consists of lectures and modeling exercises.
Learning objectiveThe focus during the modeling exercise sessions is on the testing and application of the biochemical model DAYCENT to agroecosystems. This includes model parameterization, sensitivity analysis, validation, and uncertainty analysis.
Content- Introduction to biogeochemical cycles
- Overview of ecosystem models
- Spatial and temporal scales in modeling
- Century and DAYCENT model
- Controls on biogeochemical processes
- Modeling plant growth and development (DAYCENT)
- Modeling soil organic matter and nutrient dynamics (DAYCENT)
- Model testing and evaluation
- Sensitivity analysis
- Uncertainty analysis
- Bio-economic modeling
- Policy and agent-based modeling
LiteratureSmith, J., Smith, P. (2007) Introduction to environmental modelling. Oxford University Press, 180 p.

Wallach, D., Makowski, D., Jones, J.W., Brun, F. (2014) Working with dynamic crop models: Methods, tools and examples for agriculture and environment. Academic Press, 2nd ed., 487 p.
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents signing up for this course should have a strong interest in modeling.