Bruno Studer: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Prof. Dr. Bruno Studer
FieldMolecular Plant Breeding
Molekulare Pflanzenzüchtung
ETH Zürich, LFW C 14
Universitätstrasse 2
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 01 57
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science
RelationshipFull Professor

751-0206-00LApplied Laboratory Techniques in Agricultural Sciences Restricted registration - show details
The course is compulsory for students in 5th semester BSc Agricultural Sciences.
4 credits4PG. Broggini, N. Buchmann, K. Giller, M. Hartmann, B. McDonald, S. Neuenschwander, M. Saenz de Juano Ribes, B. Studer, A. Walter
AbstractDie Lehrveranstaltung ist zweiteilig aus einem Laborpraktikum und einem angewandten Methodentraining aufgebaut. Im Laborpraktikum werden an 6 Kurstagen die wichtigsten Techniken der Molekularbiologie gelehrt. Das folgende Methodentraining findet an 5 Kurstagen im Block in einer der beteiligten Forschungsgruppen statt, um die wichtigsten Methoden aus dem jeweiligen Fachgebiet praxisnah anzuwenden.
Learning objective- Aneignung von guter Laborpraxis (Sicherheit, Effizienz, Qualität und Dokumentation)

- Erlernen der wichtigsten Labor- und Feldmethoden in den Agrarwissenschaften sowie deren korrekte und sichere Anwendung

- Vertieftes Verständnis von molekularen, physiologischen und biochemischen Prozessen in aktuellen agrarwissenschaftlichen Themenbereichen

- Aneignung von Kompetenzen für zukünftige Bachelor-, Master-, und Doktorarbeiten

- Kritische Beurteilung der angewandten Methoden für verantwortungsvolle Forschung
ContentMolekularbiologisches Laborpraktikum: DNA Extraktion, DNA Quantifizierung, PCR, Molekulare Marker, Gelelektrophorese, DNA Sequenzierung, Bioinformatik, qPCR

Angewandtes Methodentraining: Inhalte definiert durch die jeweiligen Arbeitsgruppen
Lecture notesLaborjournal
LiteratureWird einsprechend den Kursinhalten abgegeben.
751-1010-00LIntroduction to Scientific Methods Part II: Scientific Writing Restricted registration - show details 2 credits4GR. Kölliker, M. Barthel, P. C. Brunner, A. K. Gilgen, M. C. Härdi-Landerer, J. Helfenstein, A. Hofmann, A. Oberson Dräyer, E. A. Pérez Torres, B. Studer, D. J. Wüpper
AbstractDie Studierenden kennen die Grundlagen und die Konventionen des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in den Naturwissenschaften, können wissenschaftliche Literatur suchen und verwalten sowie wissenschaftliche Publikationen analysieren. Sie setzen das Gelernte beim Schreiben eines eigenen Textes um.
Learning objectiveDie Studierenden kennen die Grundlagen und die Konventionen des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in den Naturwissenschaften. Sie setzen das Gelernte beim Schreiben eines kritischen Literaturberichtes zu einem agrarwissenschaftlichen Thema ihrer Wahl um. Die Lehrveranstaltung bereitet die Studierenden auf weitere schriftliche Arbeiten im Studium der Agrarwissenschaften vor, beispielsweise auf die Bachelor-Arbeit.
Lecture notesEs wird ein Skript abgegeben.
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Note für die LV Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Teil I: Grundlagen (WiA) und
Teil II: Wissenschaftliches Schreiben (WiSch)) setzt sich aus den Leistungen der Lehrveranstaltungen im
4. und 5. Semester zusammen. Die Note für WiSch (5. Sem.) zählt zu 80% zur Gesamtnote und setzt
sich zusammen aus der Note für den kritischen Literaturbericht (80%), der Abgabe der beiden Peer-
Feedbacks (je 5%) und der Einhaltung der beiden Deadlines (Abgabe Gliederungsentwurf und Abgabe
Literaturbericht (je 5%))
751-3603-00LCurrent Challenges in Plant Breeding Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 15.
2 credits2GB. Studer, A. Hund, University lecturers
AbstractThe seminar 'Current challenges in plant breeding' aims to bring together national and international experts in plant breeding to discuss current activities, latest achievements and future prospective of a selected topic/area in plant breeding.
The topic this year will be: 'Digital Plant Breeding – Hype or the way forward?'.
Learning objectiveThe educational objectives cover both thematic competences and soft skills:
Thematic competences:
- Deepening of scientific knowledge in plant breeding
- Critical evaluation of current challenges and new concepts in plant breeding
- Promotion of collaboration and Master thesis projects with practical plant breeders
Soft skills:
- Independent literature research to get familiar with the selected topic
- Critical evaluation and consolidation of the acquired knowledge in an interdisciplinary team
- Establishment of a scientific presentation in an interdisciplinary team
- Presentation and discussion of the teamwork outcome
- Establishing contacts and strengthening the network to national and international plant breeders and scientist
ContentInteresting topics related to plant breeding will be selected in close collaboration with the working group for plant breeding of the Swiss Society of Agronomy (SSA). For this year, the topic 'Digital Plant Breeding – Hype or the way forward?' was selected.

In the fall semester (in November 2018), the enrolled students will meet with the lecturers as well as four to six tutors, selected according to their expertise in the selected topic (one afternoon, for about two hours). After an input talk by the lecturers, four to six specific questions/aspects will be identified and phrased. The tutors and the enrolled students will be assigned to four to six different groups, to critically evaluate one question/aspect of the selected topic. The students, guided by tutors, will prepare a presentation of 15 minutes (plus 5 minutes discussion) covering their specific question/aspect. Participation on that afternoon will be mandatory.

On February 1, 2019, a one-day seminar on the selected topic will be organized. The presentations of the students will be complemented with keynote talks from national and international experts, to discuss and critically evaluate the selected topic/area. The seminar will be public and serve as annual meeting of the SSA working group for plant breeding, bringing together the experts in plant breeding. During the reception after the seminar, there will be the opportunity to connect and interact with other seminar participants.

The course is designed for a maximum of 15 Master students and 10 PhD students (advertised and recruited via the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center). For full and active participation, a total of 2 credit/ECTS points will be provided.
Lecture notesno
LiteraturePeer-reviewed research articles, selected according to the selected topic/area.
Prerequisites / NoticeParticipation in the BSc course 'Pflanzenzüchtung' is strongly recommended, a completed course in 'Molecular Plant Breeding' is highly advantageous.
751-8003-00LGenetics in Agricultural Sciences Restricted registration - show details
Only for Agricultural Sciences BSc.
2 credits2GH. Pausch, B. Studer
AbstractImportant concepts from population, quantitative and molecular genetics are introduced and applied to plant and animal populations.
Learning objectiveAfter the course, the students will be able to
- work with genetic polymorphisms and explain mechanisms underlying allele frequency changes in natural and experimental populations;
- determine factors affecting the selection intensity
- explain the difference between genotypic and phenotypic values
- quantify the expected genetic gain per time unit
- explain important molecular methods to determine genetic polymorphisms;
- map traits in plant and animal populations using molecular marker information;
- integrate different concepts from population, molecular and quantitative genetics and explain their importance for applications in genetics in agricultural sciences.
ContentPopulation genetics (30%)
- Allele- and genotype frequencies in populations
- Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
- Genetic drift, differentiation of populations
- Inbreeding, relationship, effective population size
Quantitative genetics (20 %)
- Forms of selection and selection differential
- Heritability
- Quantification of expected genetic gain
- Basics of breeding value estimation and properties of estimated breeding values
Molecular genetics (35 %)
- DNA sequence variation
- Marker technologies (SSR, AFLPs, DArT)
- Genotyping techologies (KASP, GBS, RADseq, SNP chips)
- Recombination, crossing over, linkage analysis, genetic mapping)
- QTL mapping
Integrative genetics (15%)
- Genome-wide association mapping
- Estimation of genomic breeding values
Lecture notesThe slides will be provided in advance of each class via a corresponding Moodle course
LiteratureFurther reading:
Falconer & Mackay: Introduction to Quantitative Genetics
Lübberstedt & Varshney: Diagnostics in Plant Breeding