Michael Ristow: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2019

Name Dr. Michael Ristow
FieldEnergy Metabolism
Charité - CCM - CC13 - IEED
Hessische Str. 3-4
Inst. f. Exp. Endo/Diabetologie
10115 Berlin
DepartmentHealth Sciences and Technology
RelationshipFull Professor

376-0006-02LLaboratory Course in Molecular Biology Restricted registration - show details 2 credits2PC. Wolfrum, K. De Bock, C. Ewald, M. Ristow
AbstractIntroduction to experimental molecular biology using physiological examples.
Learning objectivePractical experience of molecular biology. Learning of fundamental research methods.
ContentProtein analysis , cell culture, quantification of RNA.
Lecture notesEin Skript zum Praktikum wird abgegeben.
Prerequisites / NoticeCell Biology
376-0008-00LAdvanced Anatomy and Physiology II: Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology Restricted registration - show details
Only for Health Sciences and Technology BSc.
4 credits4VK. De Bock, O. Bar-Nur, M. Detmar, G. A. Kuhn, M. Ristow, G. Schratt, C. Spengler, C. Wolfrum, M. Zenobi-Wong
AbstractIn-depth theory to molecular and pathophysiological aspects of nerves, muscles, heart , circulatory , respiratory and sensory organs .
Learning objectiveIn-depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology.
ContentMolecular fundamentals of physiological processes, processes of disease development.
376-0152-00LAnatomy and Physiology II Information 5 credits4VM. Ristow, K. De Bock, M. Kopf, L. Slomianka, C. Spengler
AbstractBasic knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine organs, urinary system and the reproductive system. Knowlewdge of the basic mechanisms of pathobiology. Study of all human tissues and selected organs by examining slides under the light microscope.
Learning objectiveFoundations of human anatomy and physiology and basics of clinical pathophysiology
ContentShort overview of human anatomy, physiology and general pathology.
3rd semester:
Principles of histology and embryology. Anatomy and physiology: nervous system, muscle, sensory organs, circulatory system, respiratory system.
4rd semester:
Anatomy and physiology: gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, metabolism and thermoregulation, integumentary system, blood and immune system, urinary system, circadian rhythm, reproductive system, pregnancy and birth.
LiteratureAnatomie: Martini, Timmons, Tallitsch, "Anatomie", Pearson; oder Schiebler, Korf, "Anatomie", Steinkopff / Springer; oder Spornitz, "Anatomie und Physiologie, Lehrbuch und Atlas für Pflege-und Gesundheitsfachberufe", Springer

Physiologie: Thews/Mutschler/Vaupel: Anatomie, Physiologie, Pathophysiologie des Menschen,
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart


Schmidt/Lang/Thews: Physiologie des Menschen, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg
Prerequisites / NoticeDer Besuch der Anatomie und Physiologie I - Vorlesung ist Voraussetzung, da die Anatomie und Physiologie II - Vorlesung auf dem Wissen der im vorangegangenen Semester gelesenen Anatomie und Physiologie I - Vorlesung aufbaut.