Michael Ristow: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016

Name Dr. Michael Ristow
FieldEnergy Metabolism
Charité - CCM - CC13 - IEED
Hessische Str. 3-4
Inst. f. Exp. Endo/Diabetologie
10115 Berlin
DepartmentHealth Sciences and Technology
RelationshipFull Professor

376-0003-01LDemonstration Week Health Sciences and Technology Restricted registration - show details
Only for Health Sciences and Technology BSc.
1 credit2PR. Müller, W. Langhans, S. Lorenzetti, R. Riener, M. Ristow, M. E. Schwab, N. Wenderoth, further lecturers
AbstractDelivery of practical insight into research methods relevant to the field by means of demonstrations and small projects in the areas of Human Movement Science and Sport, Medical Technology, Molecular Health Sciences, and Neurosciences.
Learning objectiveStudents can experience research methods that may arise in the field of Health Sciences and Technology.
Content- Human Movement Science and Sport: movement analysis, biomechanical measurement techniques
- Medical Technology: prostheses
- Molecular Health Sciences: metabolism, behaviour
- Neurosciences: neurological measurement techniques, neurorehabilitation
- Clinical Research
376-0151-00LAnatomy and Physiology I Information 5 credits4VM. Ristow, K. De Bock, L. Slomianka, C. Spengler, N. Wenderoth, D. P. Wolfer
AbstractBasic knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of tissues, of the embryonal and postnatal development, of the basic terminology of pathology, the neuro-muscular system, the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system.
Learning objectiveBasic knowledge of human anatomy and physiology and basics of clinical pathophysiology.
ContentShort overview of human anatomy, physiology and general pathology.

Anatomy and Physiology I (fall term):
Basics of cytology, histology, embryology, general pathology; nervous system, muscles, cardiovascular system, respiratory system

Anatomy and Physiology II (spring term):
digestive system, kidney and urinary tract, endocrine system, skin, thermoregulation, sensory organs, male and female reproductive system, pregnancy and child birth.
Lecture notes"Wolfer, Rhyner, Sebele und Müntener: "Anatomie und Physiologie"; http://www.dpwolfer.ch"

Schiebler TH, Korf H-W: Anatomie (10. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage)
Steinkopff / Springer, Heidelberg 2007

Martini FH, Timmons MJ, Tallitsch RB. Human Anatomy
6th edition, Pearson, San Francisco 2008, (7. Auflage Juli 2011)

Schmidt/Lang/Heckmann: Physiologie des Menschen, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (31. Auflage)
Prerequisites / NoticeVoraussetzungen: 1. Jahr, naturwissenschaftlicher Teil