Guillaume Habert: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2024

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert
LehrgebietNachhaltiges Bauen
Inst. Bau-&Infrastrukturmanagement
ETH Zürich, HIL F 28.1
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 633 05 60
DepartementBau, Umwelt und Geomatik
BeziehungOrdentlicher Professor

101-0588-01LRe-/Source the Built Environment3 KP2SG. Habert, M. Posani, E. Zea Escamilla
KurzbeschreibungThe course focuses on material choice and energy strategies to limit the environmental impact of construction sector. During the course, specific topics will be presented (construction technologies, environmental policies, social consequences of material use, etc.). The course aims to present sustainable options to tackle the global challenge we are facing and show that "it is not too late".
LernzielAfter the lecture series, the students are aware of the main challenges for the production and use of building materials.

They know the different technologies/propositions available, and environmental consequence of a choice.

They understand in which conditions/context one resource/technology will be more appropriate than another
InhaltA general presentation of the global context allows to identify the objectives that as engineer, material scientist or architect needs to achieve to create a sustainable built environment.

The course is then conducted as a serie of guest lectures focusing on one specific aspect to tackle this global challenge and show that "it is not too late".

The lecture series is divided as follows:
- General presentation
- Notion of resource depletion, resilience, criticality, decoupling, etc.
- Guest lectures covering different resources and proposing different option to build or maintain a sustainable built environment.
SkriptFor each lecture slides will be provided.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe lecture series will be conducted in English and is aimed at students of master's programs, particularly the departments ARCH, BAUG, ITET, MAVT, MTEC and USYS.

No lecture will be given during Seminar week.
136-0101-00LDiscovering Regenerative Materials Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 2 KP3GG. Habert, A. Evrard
KurzbeschreibungRegenerative materials come in a wide variety of forms and compositions, from raw materials to industrialized construction systems. Knowing the specificities of these different materials is needed to adopt the appropriate constructive choice adapted to the socio-economic situation of the territory and the resource availability.
Lernziel- Learn the diversity of regenerative materials.
- Understand the material through its composition, implementation, LCA analysis and aesthetic.
- Take inspiration from vernacular architecture : think local - adopt a territorial approach.
- Grasp the fundamental relations existing between a specific construction choice, a level of industrialisation, and the material and immaterial resources available on the territory.
- Dare an innovative project which overcome legislative barriers and involve the inhabitants as early as possible in the design process.
- Learn how to develop solutions to move towards a regenerative architecture.
LiteraturA list of literature will be offered on a specific online platform, that could be used by all students attending the lectures.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengefördert
Verfahren und Technologiengefördert
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengefördert
Soziale KompetenzenSensibilität für Vielfalt gefördert
Persönliche KompetenzenAnpassung und Flexibilitätgefördert
Kreatives Denkengefördert
Kritisches Denkengefördert
136-0102-00LEarth Construction Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 2 KP3GG. Habert, A. Evrard
KurzbeschreibungEarth construction is attracting attention in contemporary construction. New strategies have been developed for innovation, combining traditional techniques with modern construction systems and new materials. These constructions are still challenging with regards to standards and building codes, but many solutions exist to fulfil the expectation and ambition to make a different architecture.
Lernziel- Learn the different techniques of earth construction.
- Understand the structural behaviour and the durability risks.
- Define the cost and planning of earth construction.
- Adapt the production process to the project: local resources, production line, prefabrication.
- Gain experience from projects overcoming structural engineering difficulties and the lack of standards.
LiteraturA list of literature will be offered on a specific online platform, that could be used by all students attending the lectures
136-0103-00LBio-Based Construction Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 2 KP3GG. Habert, A. Evrard
KurzbeschreibungLightweight construction correspond to wooden-framed or prefabricated system fulfilled with a lightweight biobased material. Knowing the technical aspects, limitations and solutions, rules, public market, but also building physic is essential for a good conception and the management of the project.
Lernziel- Know the different techniques of lightweight construction and good practices to prevent future disorders.
- Understand the specific thermal and hygrothermal behaviour.
- Define the cost and planning strategies.
- Know the recent development of lightweight materials.
- Identify the challenges for the organization of bio-material supply chain in a territory.
LiteraturA list of literature will be offered on a specific online platform, that could be used by all students attending the lectures
136-0104-00LRe-Valuing the Building Stock Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 2 KP3GG. Habert, A. Evrard
KurzbeschreibungNew construction represent only one percent of construction per year in European countries. Re-valuing the existing building stock is therefore a priority. Using bio-based insulation for energy retrofit and the reuse of building component in case of building demolition represent promising carbon-neutral solutions for the construction sector.
Lernziel- Adopt a methodology for the retrofit of historic buildings as well as 50’s to 80’s building stock.
- Understand and manage the moisture risks when retrofitting buildings.
- Know the biobased insulation market.
- Practice deconstruction of existing building, from dismantling to reuse.
- Challenge the conventional building design to maximize its potential for later reuse.
LiteraturA list of literature will be offered on a specific online platform, that could be used by all students attending the lectures
136-0150-00LRegenerative Renovation - Project Exercise Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 4 KP3GG. Habert, A. Evrard
KurzbeschreibungThe last module of the CAS consists in an individual or group project exercise, that will be presented during a final review on the 15th of May 2020
Lernziel-Analysis of the local resources, the regional know-how and the social challenges of the project to tend towards a regenerative architecture
-Definition of a pre-program with cost and planning
-Formulation of a strategy to overcome blockage