Nicole Wenderoth: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016

Award: The Golden Owl
Name Prof. Dr. Nicole Wenderoth
FieldNeural Control of Movement
Professur Neuronale Bewegungskontr
ETH Zürich, GLC G 17.2
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich
DepartmentHealth Sciences and Technology
RelationshipFull Professor

376-0003-01LDemonstration Week Health Sciences and Technology Restricted registration - show details
Only for Health Sciences and Technology BSc.
1 credit2PR. Müller, W. Langhans, S. Lorenzetti, R. Riener, M. Ristow, M. E. Schwab, N. Wenderoth, further lecturers
AbstractDelivery of practical insight into research methods relevant to the field by means of demonstrations and small projects in the areas of Human Movement Science and Sport, Medical Technology, Molecular Health Sciences, and Neurosciences.
Learning objectiveStudents can experience research methods that may arise in the field of Health Sciences and Technology.
Content- Human Movement Science and Sport: movement analysis, biomechanical measurement techniques
- Medical Technology: prostheses
- Molecular Health Sciences: metabolism, behaviour
- Neurosciences: neurological measurement techniques, neurorehabilitation
- Clinical Research
376-0007-00LAdvanced Anatomy and Physiology I Restricted registration - show details
Only for Health Sciences and Technology BSc.
2 credits2VK. De Bock, N. Wenderoth, D. P. Wolfer
AbstractAdvanced knowledge of anatomy and physiology, molecular mechanisms and cellular function of tissues as well as pathophysiological aspects of different organ systems.
Learning objectiveAdvanced knowledge of human anatomy and physiology and of molecular and pathophysiological aspects.
ContentAdvanced Anatomy and Physiology I (fall term):
Closer look to the nervous system,
Advanced Anatomy and Physiology II (spring term):
Introduction to Molecular Biology; Closer look to muscles, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system as well as immunology.
376-0151-00LAnatomy and Physiology I Information 5 credits4VM. Ristow, K. De Bock, L. Slomianka, C. Spengler, N. Wenderoth, D. P. Wolfer
AbstractBasic knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of tissues, of the embryonal and postnatal development, of the basic terminology of pathology, the neuro-muscular system, the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system.
Learning objectiveBasic knowledge of human anatomy and physiology and basics of clinical pathophysiology.
ContentShort overview of human anatomy, physiology and general pathology.

Anatomy and Physiology I (fall term):
Basics of cytology, histology, embryology, general pathology; nervous system, muscles, cardiovascular system, respiratory system

Anatomy and Physiology II (spring term):
digestive system, kidney and urinary tract, endocrine system, skin, thermoregulation, sensory organs, male and female reproductive system, pregnancy and child birth.
Lecture notes"Wolfer, Rhyner, Sebele und Müntener: "Anatomie und Physiologie";"

Schiebler TH, Korf H-W: Anatomie (10. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage)
Steinkopff / Springer, Heidelberg 2007

Martini FH, Timmons MJ, Tallitsch RB. Human Anatomy
6th edition, Pearson, San Francisco 2008, (7. Auflage Juli 2011)

Schmidt/Lang/Heckmann: Physiologie des Menschen, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (31. Auflage)
Prerequisites / NoticeVoraussetzungen: 1. Jahr, naturwissenschaftlicher Teil
376-0221-00LMethods and Concepts in Human Systems Neuroscience and Motor Control Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 18
3 credits3PN. Wenderoth
AbstractThis course provides hands-on experience with measurement and analysis methods relevant for Humans Systems Neuroscience and Motor control (nerve/brain stimulation, EMG, EEG, psycho-physical paradigms etc). Students read scientific material, set up experiments, perform measurements in the lab, analyse data, apply statistics and write short reports or essays.
Learning objectiveThis course will prepare students for experimental work as it is typically done during the master thesis. The goal is to gain hands-on experience with measurement and analysis methods relevant for Humans Systems Neuroscience and Motor control (ifor example peripheral nerve stimulation, electrical and magnetic brain stimulation, EMG, EEG, psycho-physical paradigms etc). Students will learn how to perform small scientific projects in this area. Students will work individually or in small groups and solve scientific problems which require them to perform measurements in human participants, extract relevant readouts from the data, apply appropriate statistics and interpret the results. They will also be required to write small essays and reports and they will get feedback on their writing throughout the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents are required to have successfully completed the course "Neural control of movement and motor learning" and to have basic knowledge of applied statistics. Self-study material about applied statistics will be available at the beginning of the course and statistical knowledge will be tested (central element) in the second course week. Passing this test is a requirement for continuing the course. Students will have to solve scientific problems, requiring them to independently study scientific material, apply statistics and report their results in the form of written reports and essays. Assessments will be made on the basis of the completed theoretical and practical work that will be performed either in small groups or individually.