Bruno Sudret: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Prof. Dr. Bruno Sudret
Name variantsBruno Sudret
B. Sudret
FieldRisk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification in Civil Engineering
Risiko, Sich., Ungew. im Bauing.w.
ETH Zürich, HIL E 22.3
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 04 44
DepartmentCivil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
RelationshipFull Professor

101-0113-00LTheory of Structures I Information 5 credits3V + 2UB. Sudret
AbstractIntroduction to structural mechanics, statically determinate beams and frame structures, trusses, stresses and deformations, statically indeterminate beams and frame structures (force method)
Learning objective- Understanding the response of elastic beam and frame structures
- Ability to correctly apply the equilibrium conditions
- Understanding the basics of continuum mechanics
- Computation of stresses and deformations of elastic structures
- Ability to apply the force (flexibility) method for statically indeterminate structures
Content- Equilibrium, reactions, static determinacy
- Internal forces (normal and shear forces, moments)
- Arches and cables
- Elastic trusses
- Basics of continuum mechanics
- Stresses in elastic beams
- Deformations in Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams
- Energy theorems
- Statically indeterminate systems (Force method)
- Influence lines
Lecture notesBruno Sudret, "Baustatik I" (2017)

The course material will be available on the web page:
LiteraturePeter Marti, "Theory of Structures", Wiley, 2013, 679 pp.
101-1187-00LColloquium in Structural Engineering0 credits2KB. Stojadinovic, E. Chatzi, M. Fontana, A. Frangi, W. Kaufmann, B. Sudret, T. Vogel
AbstractProfessors from national and international universities, technical experts from the industry as well as research associates of the institute of structural engineering (IBK) are invited to present recent research results and specific projects from the practice. This colloquium is adressed to members of universities, practicing engineers and interested persons in general.
Learning objectiveLearn about recent research results in structural engineering.
364-1058-00LRisk Center Seminar Series Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 50.
0 credits2SB. Stojadinovic, D. Basin, A. Bommier, D. N. Bresch, L.‑E. Cederman, P. Cheridito, H. Gersbach, H. R. Heinimann, M. Larsson, G. Sansavini, F. Schweitzer, D. Sornette, B. Sudret, U. A. Weidmann, S. Wiemer, M. Zeilinger, R. Zenklusen
AbstractThis course is a mixture between a seminar primarily for PhD and postdoc students and a colloquium involving invited speakers. It consists of presentations and subsequent discussions in the area of modeling complex socio-economic systems and crises. Students and other guests are welcome.
Learning objectiveParticipants should learn to get an overview of the state of the art in the field, to present it in a well understandable way to an interdisciplinary scientific audience, to develop novel mathematical models for open problems, to analyze them with computers, and to defend their results in response to critical questions. In essence, participants should improve their scientific skills and learn to work scientifically on an internationally competitive level.
ContentThis course is a mixture between a seminar primarily for PhD and postdoc students and a colloquium involving invited speakers. It consists of presentations and subsequent discussions in the area of modeling complex socio-economic systems and crises. For details of the program see the webpage of the colloquium. Students and other guests are welcome.
Lecture notesThere is no script, but a short protocol of the sessions will be sent to all participants who have participated in a particular session. Transparencies of the presentations may be put on the course webpage.
LiteratureLiterature will be provided by the speakers in their respective presentations.
Prerequisites / NoticeParticipants should have relatively good mathematical skills and some experience of how scientific work is performed.