Christian Zurbrügg: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2021

NameHerr Christian Zurbrügg
Überlandstrasse 133
P.O. Box 611
8600 Dübendorf
Telefon058 765 54 23
DepartementGeistes-, Sozial- und Staatswissenschaften

102-0838-00LWater Supply, Sanitation and Waste Infrastructure and Services in Developing Countries3 KP2GC. Zurbrügg
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to water supply, excreta, wastewater and solid waste management in developing countries. Highlights links between infrastructure, services and health, resource conservation and environmental protection. New concepts and approaches for sustainable sanitation infrastructure and services for developing countries - especially poor urban areas.
LernzielStudents receive an introduction to issues of water supply, excreta, waste water and solid waste management in developing countries. They understand the connections between water, wastewater and waste management, health, resource conservation and environmental protection. Besides, they learn how water supply, wastewater and solid waste infrastructure and services can be combined and improved, in order to achieve the development policy goals in terms of disease prevention, resource conservation, and environmental protection.
InhaltOverview of the global health situation, water supply, and liquid and solid waste management situation in developing countries. Technical and scientific fundamentals of water supply, sanitation and solid waste management. Material flows in water supply, sanitation and waste management. New concepts and approaches for sustainable sanitation infrastructure and services for developing countries - especially poor urban areas. Exercises: students will work in groups on a case study and develop improvement options for water, sanitation and waste management.
SkriptCourse notes and further reading will be made available on the ETHZ Moodle portal.
LiteraturThe selected literature references will be made available on Moodle.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesStudents will work in groups on a case study and develop improvement options for water, sanitation and waste management. The case study work will be marked (1/3 of final grade). Written Semesterendprüfung of 90 min (counts for 2/3 of final grade)
701-1504-00LETH Sustainability Summer School3 KP6GC. Bratrich, P. Krütli, A. Rom, E. Tilley, C. Zurbrügg
KurzbeschreibungThe ETH Sustainability Summer School provides young researchers with the opportunity to work on current and sustainability-related topics in interdisciplinary and intercultural teams. Focus is given not only to teaching theoretical knowledge but also to solving specific case studies.
LernzielWithin ETH Zurich's Critical Thinking Initiative (CTI), students further develop their critical thinking and communications skills including: the capability to analyse and reflect critically, to form an independent opinion and develop a point of view, as well as to communicate, argue and act in an effective and responsible manner.

Based on this concept, the ETH Sustainability Summer School is providing its students with the following qualifications and learning outcomes:

- Interdisciplinary and multicultural competence: Students gain basic knowledge in scientific disciplines beyond their own and learn how to work effectively in interdisciplinary and multicultural teams.

- Methodological competence: Students gain basic knowledge of different scientific methods beyond their selected study discipline.

- Reflection competence: Students learn to critically reflect their own way of thinking, their own research approaches, and how academia influences and interacts with society at large.

- Implementation skills: Students will apply creative technologies in solution finding processes to gain knowledge and prototyping-skills to increase hands-on experience by applying knowledge in concrete cases.

This year's event on solid waste management is a collaboration between ETH Sustainability, the ETH for Development (ETH4D) Initiative and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana), and will take place at KNUST in Kumasi, Ghana.

To find more information and to register, visit our website:
Literaturfurther information and registration:
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe Summer School 2021 is a collaboration between ETH Sustainability and the ETH for Development (ETH4D) Initiative. It provides students and young researchers the opportunity to develop and test solutions for a real-world challenge related to solid waste. Students will work in interdisciplinary teams. The summer school will be organized as a hybrid version, held in parallell at ETH Zürich and at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi / Ghana.

We will invite Bachelor, Master and PhD students from ETH Zurich and students from KNUST with a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines.

Candidates will be selected from all disciplines. Submitting a motivation letter and CV is a prerequisite for the application. Applicants will be evaluated on their academic strength, creativity, technical-related expertise, and their dedication to contribute to solving the world's most pressing challenges.

Depending on the Covid-19 situation, the course might have to be cancelled or its format may change.