Wanda Mimra: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2018

NameFrau Prof. Dr. Wanda Mimra
LehrgebietRisiko- und Versicherungsökonomie
DepartementManagement, Technologie und Ökonomie
BeziehungAssistenzprofessorin (Tenure Track)

363-1017-00LRisk and Insurance Economics3 KP2GW. Mimra
KurzbeschreibungThe course covers economics of risk and insurance. Topics covered are fundamentals of insurance, risk measures and risk management, demand and supply of insurance and asymmetric information in insurance markets.
LernzielThe goal is to introduce students to basic concepts of risk, risk management and economics of insurance.
Inhalt- fundamentals of insurance
- what is the rationale for corporate risk management?
- measures of risk and methods of risk management
- demand for insurance
- supply of insurance
- information problems in insurance markets: moral hazard, adverse selection, fraud
Literatur- Peter Zweifel and Roland Eisen (2012), Insurance Economics, Springer.
- S. Hun Seog (2010), The Economics of Risk and Insurance, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Ray Rees and Achim Wambach (2008), The Microeconomics of Insurance, Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics: Vol. 4: No 1-2.
- Eeckhoudt/Gollier/Schlesinger (2007), Economic and Financial Decisions under Risk, Princeton University Press.
- introductory background reading: Harrington/Niehaus (2003), Risk Management and Insurance, McGraw Hill.
364-0531-00LCER-ETH Research Seminar Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 0 KP2SL. Bretschger, A. Bommier, H. Gersbach, W. Mimra
KurzbeschreibungForschungsseminar des Center of Economic Research CER-ETH
LernzielVerständnis der aktuell führenden Forschung in der ökonomischen Theorie, insbesondere aus dem Bereich der CER-ETH Forschung.
InhaltReferate zu aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen aus den Bereichen der CER-ETH Forschung von in- und ausländischen Gastreferierenden.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBitte spezielle Ankündigungen beachten.
364-1058-00LRisk Center Seminar Series Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 50
0 KP2SA. Bommier, D. Basin, D. N. Bresch, L.‑E. Cederman, P. Cheridito, P. Embrechts, H. Gersbach, H. R. Heinimann, M. Larsson, W. Mimra, G. Sansavini, F. Schweitzer, D. Sornette, B. Stojadinovic, B. Sudret, U. A. Weidmann, S. Wiemer, M. Zeilinger, R. Zenklusen
KurzbeschreibungThis course is a mixture between a seminar primarily for PhD and postdoc students and a colloquium involving invited speakers. It consists of presentations and subsequent discussions in the area of modeling and governing complex socio-economic systems, and managing risks and crises. Students and other guests are welcome.
LernzielParticipants should learn to get an overview of the state of the art in the field, to present it in a well understandable way to an interdisciplinary scientific audience, to develop novel mathematical models and approaches for open problems, to analyze them with computers or other means, and to defend their results in response to critical questions. In essence, participants should improve their scientific skills and learn to work scientifically on an internationally competitive level.
InhaltThis course is a mixture between a seminar primarily for PhD and postdoc students and a colloquium involving invited speakers. It consists of presentations and subsequent discussions in the area of modeling complex socio-economic systems and crises. For details of the program see the webpage of the seminar. Students and other guests are welcome.
SkriptThere is no script, but the sessions will be recorded and be made available. Transparencies of the presentations may be put on the course webpage.
LiteraturLiterature will be provided by the speakers in their respective presentations.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesParticipants should have relatively good scientific, in particular mathematical skills and some experience of how scientific work is performed.