Lenny Winkel: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2018

Auszeichnung: Die Goldene Eule
NameFrau Prof. Dr. Lenny Winkel
LehrgebietAnorganische Umweltgeochemie
I. f. Biogeochemie/Schadstoffdyn.
ETH Zürich, CHN E 19.1
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 87 12
BeziehungAusserordentliche Professorin

701-0423-00LChemie aquatischer Systeme3 KP2GL. Winkel
KurzbeschreibungDieser Kurs gibt eine Einführung in die chemischen Prozesse in aquatischen Systemen und zeigt ihre Anwendung in verschiedenen Systemen. Es werden folgende Themen behandelt: Säure-Base-Reaktionen und Carbonatsystem, Löslichkeit fester Phasen und Verwitterung, Redoxreaktionen, Komplexierung der Metalle, Reaktionen an Grenzflächen fest / Wasser, Anwendungen auf See, Fluss, Grundwasser.
LernzielVerständnis für die chemischen Zusammenhänge in aquatischen Systemen. Quantitative Anwendung chemischer Gleichgewichte auf Prozesse in natürlichen Gewässern. Evaluation analytischer Daten aus verschiedenen aquatischen Systemen.
InhaltGrundlagen der Chemie aquatischer Systeme. Regulierung der Zusammensetzung natürlicher Gewässer durch chemische, geochemische und biologische Prozesse. Quantitative Anwendung chemischer Gleichgewichte auf Prozesse in natürlichen Gewässern. Folgende Themen werden behandelt: Säure-Base-Reaktionen (Carbonatsystem); Löslichkeit fester Phasen und Verwitterungsreaktionen; Metallkomplexierung und Metallkreisläufe in Gewässern; Redoxprozesse; Reaktionen an Grenzflächen Festphase-Wasser. Anwendungen auf Seen, Flüsse, Grundwasser.
SkriptUnterlagen werden abgegeben.
LiteraturSigg, L., Stumm, W., Aquatische Chemie, 5. Aufl., vdf/UTB, Zürich, 2011.
701-1302-00LTerm Paper 2: Seminar Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants is limited.

Only for Environmental Sciences MSc.

Prerequisite: Term Paper 1: Writing (701-1303-00L).
2 KP1SM. Ackermann, L. Winkel, N. Gruber, J. Hering, R. Kretzschmar, M. Lever, K. McNeill, M. H. Schroth, B. Wehrli
KurzbeschreibungThis class is the 2nd part of a series and participation is conditional on the successful completion of the Term paper Writing class (701-1303-00L). The results from the term paper written during the winter term are presented to the other students and advisors and discussed.
LernzielThe goal of the term paper Seminars is to train the student's ability to communicate the results to a wider audience and the ability to respond to questions and comments.
InhaltEach student presents the results of the term paper to the other students and advisors and responds to questions and comments from the audience.
LiteraturTerm paper
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe term papers will be made publically available after each student had the opportunity to make revisions.

There is no final exam. Grade is assigned based on the quality of the presentation and ensuing discussion.
701-1303-00LTerm Paper 1: Writing Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for Environmental Sciences MSc.
5 KP6AM. Ackermann, L. Winkel, N. Gruber, J. Hering, R. Kretzschmar, M. Lever, K. McNeill, M. H. Schroth, B. Wehrli
KurzbeschreibungThe ability to critically evaluate original (scientific) literature and to summarize the information in
a succinct manner is an important skill for any student. This course aims to practice this ability, requiring each student to write a term paper on a topic of relevance for research in the areas of biogeochemistry and pollutant dynamics.
LernzielThe goal of the term paper is to train the student's ability to
critically evaluate a well-defined set of research subjects, and to
summarize the findings concisely in a paper of scientific quality. The
paper will be evaluated based on its ability to communicate an
understanding of a topic, and to identify key outstanding questions.
Results from this term paper will be presented to the fellow students and
involved faculty in the following semester (Term paper seminars)
InhaltEach student is expected to write a paper with a length of approximately 15 pages. The students can choose from a list of topics prepared by the supervisors, but the final topic will be determined based on a balance of choice and availability. The students will be guided and advised by their advisors throughout the term. The paper itself should contain the following elements: Motivation and context of the given topic (25%), Concise presentation of the state of the science (50%), Identification of open questions and perhaps outline of opportunities for research (25).
In addition, the accurate use of citations, attribution of ideas, and the judicious use of figures, tables, equations and references are critical components of a successful paper. Specialized knowledge is not expected, nor required, neither is new research.
SkriptGuidelines and supplementary material will be handed out at the beginning of the class.
LiteraturWill be identified based on the chosen topic.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesEach term paper will be reviewed by one fellow student and one faculty. The submission of a written review is a condition for obtaining the credit points.
There is no final exam. Grade is assigned based on the quality of the term paper and the submission of another student's review.