Hanna Joos: Courses in Autumn Semester 2023

Name Dr. Hanna Joos
Institut für Atmosphäre und Klima
ETH Zürich, CHN M 18
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 93 65
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

061-0101-00LClimate / Water / Soil Information Restricted registration - show details 2 credits3G
061-0101-01 GClimate Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Module dates 25.09. - 28.09.23
The detailed course schedule is published at the beginning of the semester on the program website and is included in the reader.
20s hrs
25.09. - 28.09.08:00-11:30HIL G 64 »
28.09.12:45-16:30HIL G 64 »
H. Joos, M. G. Fellin, T. Galí-Izard, N. Gruber, V. Picotti, S. Schemm, J. Schwaab, C. Steger, H. Wernli
061-0101-02 GWater Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Module dates 09.10. - 12.10.23
The detailed course schedule is published at the beginning of the semester on the program website and is included in the reader.
20s hrs
12.10.12:45-17:30HIL G 64 »
R. Weingartner
061-0101-03 GSoil Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Module dates 02.10. - 05.10.23
The detailed course schedule is published at the beginning of the semester on the program website and is included in the reader.
20s hrs
02.10. - 05.10.08:00-11:30HIL G 64 »
05.10.12:45-16:30HIL G 64 »
R. Kretzschmar, A. Carminati, S. Dötterl, A. Frossard, T. Galí-Izard
401-5930-00LSeminar in Physics of the Atmosphere for CSE Information 4 credits2S
401-5930-00 SSeminar in Physics of the Atmosphere for CSE
Diese Lehrveranstaltung wird zeitlich und organisatorisch mit der LV 701-1211-01 S "Master Seminar: Atmosphere and Climate 1" koordiniert. Bitte kontaktieren Sie die verantwortlichen Dozierenden vor Semesterbeginn, wenn Sie diese Lehrveranstaltung belegen möchten.
2 hrs
Mon08:15-10:00CHN E 42 »
H. Joos, C. Schär
651-4095-01LColloquium Atmosphere and Climate 1 Information Restricted registration - show details 1 credit1K
651-4095-00 KColloquium Atmosphere and Climate
Contact person: Dr. Hanna Joos (IAC) hanna.joos@env.ethz.ch
1 hrs
Mon16:15-18:00CAB G 11 »
H. Joos, H. Wernli, D. N. Bresch, D. Domeisen, N. Gruber, R. Jnglin Wills, R. Knutti, U. Lohmann, C. Mohr, C. Schär, S. Schemm, S. I. Seneviratne, M. Wild
651-4095-02LColloquium Atmosphere and Climate 2 Information Restricted registration - show details 1 credit1K
651-4095-00 KColloquium Atmosphere and Climate
Contact person: Dr. Hanna Joos (IAC) hanna.joos@env.ethz.ch
1 hrs
Mon16:15-18:00CAB G 11 »
H. Joos, H. Wernli, D. N. Bresch, D. Domeisen, N. Gruber, R. Jnglin Wills, R. Knutti, U. Lohmann, C. Mohr, C. Schär, S. Schemm, S. I. Seneviratne, M. Wild
651-4095-03LColloquium Atmosphere and Climate 3 Information Restricted registration - show details 1 credit1K
651-4095-00 KColloquium Atmosphere and Climate
Contact person: Dr. Hanna Joos (IAC) hanna.joos@env.ethz.ch
1 hrs
Mon16:15-18:00CAB G 11 »
H. Joos, H. Wernli, D. N. Bresch, D. Domeisen, N. Gruber, R. Jnglin Wills, R. Knutti, U. Lohmann, C. Mohr, C. Schär, S. Schemm, S. I. Seneviratne, M. Wild
701-1211-01LMaster's Seminar: Atmosphere and Climate 1 Information Restricted registration - show details 3 credits2S
701-1211-01 SMaster's Seminar: Atmosphere and Climate Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
2 hrs
Mon08:15-10:00CHN E 42 »
H. Joos, R. Knutti, A. Merrifield Könz, M. A. Wüest
701-1211-02LMaster's Seminar: Atmosphere and Climate 2 Information Restricted registration - show details 3 credits2S
701-1211-01 SMaster's Seminar: Atmosphere and Climate Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
2 hrs
Mon08:15-10:00CHN E 42 »
H. Joos, R. Knutti, A. Merrifield Könz, M. A. Wüest
701-1213-00LIntroduction Course to Master Studies Atmosphere and Climate Information 2 credits2G
701-1213-00 GIntroduction Course to Master Studies Atmosphere and Climate
3 day block course in the week before the start of the semester, from 13th to 15th September 2023.
On 13th September, the course will take place at the University of Bern, on 14th and 15th September at ETH.

More information at Link.
30s hrs
13.09.08:00-18:00Ex te rn »
14.09.08:15-18:00CHN C 14 »
15.09.08:15-18:00MM C 78.1 »
H. Joos