Ana Peric Momcilovic: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016

Name Dr. Ana Peric Momcilovic
Raumentwicklung und Stadtpolitik
ETH Zürich, HIL H 29.1
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich
DepartmentCivil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

103-0569-00LEuropean Aspects of Spatial Development3 credits2GA. Peric Momcilovic
AbstractFollowing the insight into historical perspective and contemporary models of governance and planning, the course focuses on the international dimension of spatial planning in Europe. This includes a discussion of how European spatial policy is made and by whom, how planners can participate in such process and how they can address transnational challenges of spatial development cooperatively.
Learning objectiveKeeping the general aim of exploring the European dimension of spatial planning in mind, the specific course learning objectives are as follows:
- to interpret the history of spatial planning at the transnational scale
- to understand and explain the content of the European spatial policy agenda
- to describe and analyse the role of territorial cooperation in making European spatial development patterns and planning procedures
- to discuss the changing role of planners and evaluate the ways of their engagement in European spatial policy-making
Content- European spatial policy agenda: introduction and basic directives
- governance models
- planning models; collaborative planning model (main concepts & critics)
- post-positivist approach to spatial planning
- transnational spatial planning in Europe; questioning the European spatial planning; spatial development trends in Europe
- EU as a political system: EU institutions & non-EU actors
- planning families in Europe; the European spatial planning agenda
- spatial planning strategies and programmes on territorial cooperation
- the notion of planning culture and planning system; planning cultures in Europe
- basic characteristics of planning systems in Europe
- the relevance of European transnational cooperation for spatial planning
- European transnational initiatives: CODE 24 (Rotterdam-Genoa), Orient/east-Med corridor (Hamburg-Athens), Danube region
Lecture notesThe documents for the lecture will be provided at the moodle,
LiteratureObligatory literature:
- Dühr, S., Colomb, C. & Nadin, V. (2010). European Spatial Planning and Territorial Cooperation. London: Routledge.

Recommended literature:
Governance models:
- Martens, K. (2007). Actors in a Fuzzy Governance Environment. In G. de Roo & G. Porter (Eds.), Fuzzy Planning: The Role of Actors in a Fuzzy Governance Environment (pp. 43-65). Abingdon, Oxon, GBR: Ashgate Publishing Group.

Planning models:
- Davoudi, S. & Strange, I. (2009). Conceptions of Space and Place in Strategic Spatial Planning. Abingdon, Oxon, GBR: Routledge.
- Allmendinger, P. (2002). The Post-Positivist Landscape of Planning Theory. In P. Allmendinger & M. Tewdwr-Jones (Eds.), Planning Futures: New Directions for Planning Theory (pp. 3-17). London: Routledge.
- Healey, P. (1997). Collaborative Planning - Shaping places in fragmented societies. London: MacMillan Press.

EU as a political context:
- Williams, R. H. (1996). European Union Spatial Policy and Planning. London: Sage.

Territorial cooperation in Europe:
- Dühr, S., Stead, D. & Zonneveld, W. (2007). The Europeanization of spatial planning through territorial cooperation. Planning Practice & Research, 22(3), 291-307.
- Dühr, S. & Nadin, V. (2007). Europeanization through transnational territorial cooperation? The case of INTERREG IIIB North-West Europe. Planning Practice and Research, 22(3), 373-394.
- Faludi, A. (Ed.) (2002). European Spatial Planning. Cambridge, Mass.: Lincoln institute of land policy.
- Faludi, A. (2010). Cohesion, Coherence, Cooperation: European Spatial Planning Coming of Age? London: Routledge.
- Faludi, A. (2014). EUropeanisation or Europeanisation of spatial planning? Planning Theory & Practice, 15(2), 155-169.
- Kunzmann, K. R. (2006). The Europeanisation of spatial planning. In N. Adams, J. Alden & N. Harris (Eds.), Regional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Planning families and cultures:
- Newman, P. & Thornley, A. (1996). Urban Plannning in Europe: international competition, national systems and planning projects. London: Routledge.
- Knieling, J. & Othengrafen, F. (Eds.). (2009). Planning Cultures in Europe: Decoding Cultural Phenomena in Urban and Regional Planning. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Stead, D., de Vries, J. & Tasan-Kok, T. (2015). Planning Cultures and Histories: Influences on the Evolution of Planning Systems and Spatial Development Patterns. European Planning Studies, 23(11), 2127-2132.
- Scholl, B. (Eds.) (2012). Spaces and Places of National Importance. Zurich: ETH vdf Hochschulverlag.

Planning systems in Europe:
- Nadin, V. & Stead, D. (2008). European Spatial Planning Systems, Social Models and Learning. disP - The Planning Review, 44(172), 35-47.
- Commission of the European Communities. (1997). The EU compendium of spatial planning systems and policies. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
Prerequisites / NoticeOnly for master students, otherwise a special permission by the lecturer is required.