Esther Ziegler: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2019

NameFrau Dr. Esther Ziegler
Sonneggstrasse 4
8006 Zürich
Telefon+41 78 330 33 63
DepartementGeistes-, Sozial- und Staatswissenschaften

851-0252-12LThe Science of Learning From Failure Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 30
2 KP2SM. Kapur, T. Sinha, D. Trninic, E. Ziegler
KurzbeschreibungWe can learn from failure. But, what does “failure” mean? And, what, how, and why do we learn from failure? This course covers research from the cognitive, educational, and learning sciences that addresses the role of failure in human learning. Students will critically examine how failure affects thinking, knowledge, creativity, problem-solving, etc.
LernzielStudents will:
- Critically read and analyze articles on research that addresses failure in learning.
- Participate in in-class problem-solving activities around research in failure.
- Discuss and reflect upon topics in both online and face-to-face formats.
- Engage in activities through the online platform.
- Complete a final paper on a subtopic related to failure in learning.

By the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of the role that failure plays in learning.
- Discuss how and why failure can benefit learning.
- Discuss how and why failure does not facilitate learning.
- Apply understanding to a related sub-topic.
InhaltWe learn from our mistakes, or rather, we certainly hope that we do. Another way to say this is that we can learn from failure. But, what does “failure” mean? And, what, how, and why do we learn from failure? This course covers research from the cognitive, educational, and learning sciences that addresses the role of failure in human learning. Students will critically examine how failure affects development of knowledge, creativity, problem-solving, and general thinking and learning. More specifically, they will have the opportunity to question and evaluate the potential relationships between the facets around failure within individual, interactional, cultural, societal, and global contexts through seminal readings and problem-solving activities oriented to real world issues. Students from any discipline are welcome to this course to learn more about how failure can be harnessed to improve our knowledge, capabilities, innovations, teamwork, and contribute to the larger global world.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis seminar is an interactive course, thus attendance and classroom participation are required. Processing of online tasks is a requirement for obtaining credit points.