Eleni Chatzi: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019 |
Name | Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi |
Field | Structural Mechanics and Monitoring |
Address | Inst. f. Baustatik u. Konstruktion ETH Zürich, HIL E 33.3 Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5 8093 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telephone | +41 44 633 67 55 |
chatzi@ibk.baug.ethz.ch | |
URL | http://www.chatzi.ibk.ethz.ch/ |
Department | Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering |
Relationship | Full Professor |
Number | Title | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
101-0008-00L | Identification Methods for Structural Systems | 3 credits | 2G | E. Chatzi, V. Ntertimanis | |
Abstract | This course will present methods for assessing the condition of structures based on monitoring. The term "monitoring" corresponds to measurements of structural response (e.g. strains, deflections, accelerations), which are nowadays available from low-cost and easily deployed sensor technologies. We show how to exploit sensing technology for maintaining a safe and resilient infrastructure. | ||||
Learning objective | This course aims at providing a graduate level introduction into the identification and condition assessment of structural systems. Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. Test Structural Systems for assessing their condition, as this is expressed through stiffness 2. Analyse sensor signals for identifying characteristic structural properties, such as frequencies, mode shapes and damping, based on noisy or incomplete measurements of the structural response. 3. Establish relationships governing structural response (e.g. dynamics equations) 4. Identify possible damage into the structure by picking up statistical changes in the structural "signature" (behavior) | ||||
Content | The course will include theory and algorithms for system identification, programming assignments, as well as laboratory and field testing, thereby offering a well-rounded overview of the ways in which we may extract response data from structures. The topics to be covered are : 1. Fundamentals of dynamic analysis (vibrations) 2. Fundamentals of signal processing 3. Modal Testing for determining the modal properties of Structural Systems 4. Parametric & Nonparametric Identification for processing test and measurement data i) in the frequency domain (Spectral Analysis, Frequency Domain decomposition) ii) in the time domain (Autoregressive models, the Kalman Filter) 5. Damage Detection via Stochastic Methods A comprehensive series of computer/lab exercises and in-class demonstrations will take place, providing a "hands-on" feel for the course topics. Grading: The final grade will be obtained, either - by 30% from the graded exercises and 70% from the written session examination, or - by the written session examination exclusively. The highest ranking of the above two options will be used, so that assignments are only used to strengthen the grade. | ||||
Lecture notes | The course script is composed by the lecture slides, which are available online and will be continuously updated throughout the duration of the course: http://www.chatzi.ibk.ethz.ch/education/identification-methods-for-structural-systems.html | ||||
Literature | Suggested Reading: T. Söderström and P. Stoica: System Identification, Prentice Hall International: http://user.it.uu.se/~ts/sysidbook.pdf | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Familiarity with MATLAB is advised. | ||||
101-0159-00L | Method of Finite Elements II | 3 credits | 2G | E. Chatzi, K. Agathos | |
Abstract | Basic theoretical and procedural concepts of the method of finite elements (FE) for the analysis of - Material Nonlinearities (Plasticity) - Geometric Nonlinearities (Large Displacement Problems) - Nonlinear Dynamics - Fracture Mechanics | ||||
Learning objective | The class overviews advanced topics of the Method of Finite Elements, beyond linear elasticity. The concepts are introduced via theory, numerical examples, demonstrators and computer labs. See the class webpage for more information: http://www.chatzi.ibk.ethz.ch/education/method-of-finite-elements-ii.html | ||||
Lecture notes | Handouts, Course Script available on http://www.chatzi.ibk.ethz.ch/education/method-of-finite-elements-ii.html | ||||
Literature | Course Script available on http://www.chatzi.ibk.ethz.ch/education/method-of-finite-elements-ii.html Useful (optional) Reading: - Nonlinear Finite Elements of Continua and Structures, T. Belytschko, W.K. Liu, and B. Moran. - Bathe, K.J., Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall, 1996. - Crisfield, M.A., Remmers, J.J. and Verhoosel, C.V., 2012. Nonlinear finite element analysis of solids and structures. John Wiley & Sons. - De Souza Neto, E.A., Peric, D. and Owen, D.R., 2011. Computational methods for plasticity: theory and applications. John Wiley & Sons. | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Prerequisites: -101-0158-01 Method of Finite Elements I (FS) - A good knowledge of MATLAB is necessary for attending this course. | ||||
101-1187-00L | Colloquium in Structural Engineering | 0 credits | 2K | B. Stojadinovic, E. Chatzi, A. Frangi, W. Kaufmann, B. Sudret, A. Taras, T. Vogel | |
Abstract | Professors from national and international universities, technical experts from the industry as well as research associates of the institute of structural engineering (IBK) are invited to present recent research results and specific projects from the practice. This colloquium is adressed to members of universities, practicing engineers and interested persons in general. | ||||
Learning objective | Learn about recent research results in structural engineering. | ||||
701-0901-00L | ETH Week 2019: Rethinking Mobility ![]() All ETH Bachelor`s, Master`s and exchange students can take part in the ETH week. No prior knowledge is required | 1 credit | 3S | R. Knutti, K. Boulouchos, C. Bratrich, S. Brusoni, A. Cabello Llamas, E. Chatzi, M. Chli, F. Corman, E. Frazzoli, G. Georges, C. Onder, V. Wood | |
Abstract | ETH Week is an innovative one-week course designed to foster critical thinking and creative learning. Students from all departments as well as professors and external experts will work together in interdisciplinary teams. They will develop interventions that could play a role in solving some of our most pressing global challenges. In 2019, ETH Week will focus on the topic of mobility. | ||||
Learning objective | - Domain specific knowledge: Students have immersed knowledge about a certain complex, societal topic which will be selected every year. They understand the complex system context of the current topic, by comprehending its scientific, technical, political, social, ecological and economic perspectives. - Analytical skills: The ETH Week participants are able to structure complex problems systematically using selected methods. They are able to acquire further knowledge and to critically analyse the knowledge in interdisciplinary groups and with experts and the help of team tutors. - Design skills: The students are able to use their knowledge and skills to develop concrete approaches for problem solving and decision making to a selected problem statement, critically reflect these approaches, assess their feasibility, to transfer them into a concrete form (physical model, prototypes, strategy paper, etc.) and to present this work in a creative way (role-plays, videos, exhibitions, etc.). - Self-competence: The students are able to plan their work effectively, efficiently and autonomously. By considering approaches from different disciplines they are able to make a judgment and form a personal opinion. In exchange with non-academic partners from business, politics, administration, nongovernmental organisations and media they are able to communicate appropriately, present their results professionally and creatively and convince a critical audience. - Social competence: The students are able to work in multidisciplinary teams, i.e. they can reflect critically their own discipline, debate with students from other disciplines and experts in a critical-constructive and respectful way and can relate their own positions to different intellectual approaches. They can assess how far they are able to actively make a contribution to society by using their personal and professional talents and skills and as "Change Agents". | ||||
Content | The week is mainly about problem solving and design thinking applied to the complex world of energy. During ETH Week students will have the opportunity to work in small interdisciplinary groups, allowing them to critically analyse both their own approaches and those of other disciplines, and to integrate these into their work. While deepening their knowledge about energy production, distribution and storage, students will be introduced to various methods and tools for generating creative ideas and understand how different people are affected by each part of the system. In addition to lectures and literature, students will acquire knowledge via excursions into the real world, empirical observations, and conversations with researchers and experts. A key attribute of the ETH Week is that students are expected to find their own problem, rather than just solve the problem that has been handed to them. Therefore, the first three days of the week will concentrate on identifying a problem the individual teams will work on, while the last two days are focused on generating solutions and communicating the team's ideas. | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | No prerequisites. Programme is open to Bachelor and Masters from all ETH Departments. All students must apply through a competitive application process at www.ethz.ch/ethweek. Participation is subject to successful selection through this competitive process. |