Eleni Chatzi: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2019

NameFrau Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi
LehrgebietStrukturmechanik und Monitoring
Inst. f. Baustatik u. Konstruktion
ETH Zürich, HIL E 33.3
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 633 67 55
DepartementBau, Umwelt und Geomatik
BeziehungOrdentliche Professorin

101-0114-00LBaustatik II Information 5 KP4GE. Chatzi
KurzbeschreibungStatisch unbestimmte Stabtragwerke (Verformungsmethode), Einflusslinien, Elastisch-plastische Systeme, Traglastverfahren (statische und kinematische Methode), Stabilitätsprobleme.
LernzielBeherrschen der Methoden zur Berechnung statisch unbestimmter Stabtragwerke
Erweiterung des Verständnisses des Tragverhaltens von Stabtragwerken unter Einbezug nichtlinearer Effekte
Fähigkeit, Resultate numerischer Berechnungen vernünftig zu interpretieren und zu kontrollieren
InhaltLineare Statik der Stabtragwerke

Nichtlineare Statik der Stabtragwerke
Elastisch-plastische Systeme
LiteraturSimon Zweidler, "Baustatik II", 2017.
Peter Marti, "Baustatik", Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 2012, 683 pp.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesVoraussetzung: "Baustatik I"
101-0158-01LMethod of Finite Elements I4 KP2GE. Chatzi, P. Steffen
KurzbeschreibungThis course will introduce students to the fundamental concepts of the widely established Method of Finite Elements including element formulations, numerical solution procedures and modelling details. The course will also equip students with the ability to code algorithms (largely based on MATLAB) for the solution of practical problems in Infrastructure and Civil engineering.
LernzielThe Direct Stiffness Method is revisited and the basic principles of Matrix Structural Analysis are overviewed.
The basic theoretical concepts of the Method of Finite Elements are imparted and perspectives for problem solving procedures are provided.
Linear finite element models for truss and continuum elements are introduced and their application for structural elements is demonstrated.
The Method of Finite Elements is implemented on practical problems through accompanying demonstrations and assignments.
Inhalt1) Introductory Concepts
Matrices and linear algebra - short review.

2) The Direct Stiffness Method
Demos and exercises in MATLAB & Commercial FE software

3) Formulation of the Method of Finite Elements.
- The Principle of Virtual Work
- Isoparametric formulations
- 1D Elements (truss, beam)
- 2D Elements (plane stress/strain)
Demos and exercises in MATLAB & Commercial FE software

4) Practical application of the Method of Finite Elements.
- Practical Considerations
- Results Interpretation
- Final Project where a Real Test Case is modelled and analyzed
SkriptThe lecture notes are in the form of slides, available online from the course webpage
LiteraturBathe, K.J., Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall, 1996.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrior knowledge of MATLAB is not necessary, but as the course develops the students are expected to actively engage in the coding of basic scripts.
101-0190-08LUncertainty Quantification and Data Analysis in Applied Sciences Information
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
The course should be open to doctoral students from within ETH and UZH who work in the field of Computational Science. External graduate students and other auditors will be allowed by permission of the instructors.
3 KP4GE. Chatzi, P. Koumoutsakos, B. Sudret
KurzbeschreibungThe course presents fundamental concepts and advanced methodologies for handling and interpreting data in relation with models. It elaborates on methods and tools for identifying, quantifying and propagating uncertainty through models of systems with applications in various fields of Engineering and Applied science.
LernzielThe course is offered as part of the Computational Science Zurich (CSZ) (http://www.zhcs.ch/) graduate program, a joint initiative between ETH Zürich and University of Zürich. This CSZ Block Course aims at providing a graduate level introduction into probabilistic modeling and identification of engineering systems.
Along with fundamentals of probabilistic and dynamic system analysis, advanced methods and tools will be introduced for surrogate and reduced order models, sensitivity and failure analysis, parallel processing, uncertainty quantification and propagation, system identification, nonlinear and non-stationary system analysis.
InhaltThe topics to be covered are in three broad categories, with a detailed outline available online (see Learning Materials).
Track 1: Uncertainty Quantification and Rare Event Estimation in Engineering, offered by the Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification, ETH Zurich (20 hours)
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Bruno Sudret, Dr. Stefano Marelli
Track 2: Bayesian Inference and Uncertainty Propagation, offered the by the System Dynamics Laboratory, University of Thessaly, and the Chair of Computational Science, ETH Zurich (20 hours)
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Costas Papadimitriou, Dr. Panagiotis Hadjidoukas, Prof. Dr. Petros Koumoutsakos
Track 3: Data-driven Identification and Simulation of Dynamic Systems, offered the by the Chair of Structural Mechanics, ETH Zurich (20 hours)
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi, Dr. Vasilis Dertimanis.
The lectures will be complemented via a comprehensive series of interactive Tutorials will take place.
SkriptThe course script is composed by the lecture slides, which will be continuously updated throughout the duration of the course on the CSZ website.
LiteraturSuggested Reading:
Track 2 : E.T. Jaynes: Probability Theory: The logic of Science
Track 3: T. Söderström and P. Stoica: System Identification, Prentice Hall International, Link see Learning Materials.
Xiu, D. (2010) Numerical methods for stochastic computations - A spectral method approach, Princeton University press.
Smith, R. (2014) Uncertainty Quantification: Theory, Implementation and Applications SIAM Computational Science and Engineering,
Lemaire, M. (2009) Structural reliability, Wiley.
Saltelli, A., Ratto, M., Andres, T., Campolongo, F., Cariboni, J., Gatelli, D., Saisana, M. & Tarantola, S. (2008) Global Sensitivity Analysis - The Primer, Wiley.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesIntroductory course on probability theory
Fair command on Matlab
101-1187-00LKolloquium Baustatik und Konstruktion0 KP2KB. Stojadinovic, E. Chatzi, M. Fontana, A. Frangi, W. Kaufmann, B. Sudret, T. Vogel
KurzbeschreibungDas Institut für Baustatik und Konstruktion (IBK) lädt Professoren in- und ausländischer Hochschulen, Fachleute aus Praxis & Industrie oder wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter des Institutes als Referenten ein. Das Kolloquium richtet sich sowohl an Studierende und weitere Hochschulangehörige, als auch an Ingenieure aus der Praxis.
LernzielNeue Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Fachbereich Baustatik und Konstruktion kennen lernen.