Jean Bertoin: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

Name Prof. Dr. Jean Bertoin
(Professor Universität Zürich (UZH))
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
Institut für Mathematik, Y27 J36
8057 Zürich

401-4600-67LStudent Seminar in Probability Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.
Registration to the seminar will only be effective once confirmed by email from the organizers.
4 credits2SA.‑S. Sznitman, J. Bertoin, V. Tassion, W. Werner
Learning objective
ContentThe seminar is centered around a topic in probability theory which changes each semester.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe student seminar in probability is held at times at the undergraduate level (typically during the spring term) and at times at the graduate level (typically during the autumn term). The themes vary each semester.

The number of participants to the seminar is limited. Registration to the seminar will only be effective once confirmed by email from the organizers.
401-5600-00LSeminar on Stochastic Processes Information 0 credits1KJ. Bertoin, A. Nikeghbali, B. D. Schlein, A.‑S. Sznitman, V. Tassion, W. Werner
AbstractResearch colloquium
Learning objective