Stefan Mann: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

Name Dr. Stefan Mann
Tänikon 1
8356 Ettenhausen TG
Telephone052 368 32 38
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

751-2103-00LSocioeconomics of Agriculture Information 2 credits2VS. Mann
AbstractThe main part of this lecture will examine constellations where hierarchies, markets or cooperation have been observed and described in the agricultural sector. On a more aggregated level, different agricultural systems will be evaluated in terms of main socioeconomic parameters like social capital or perceptions.
Learning objectiveStudents should be able to describe the dynamics of hierarchies, markets and cooperation in an agricultural context.
ContentIntroduction to Sociology
Introduction to Socioeconomics
Agricultural Administration: Path dependencies and efficiency issues
Power in the Chain
The farming family
Occupational Choices
Consumption Choices
Locational Choices
Common Resource Management in Alpine Farming
Agricultural Cooperatives
Societal perceptions of agriculture
Perceptions of farming from within
Varieties of agricultural systems and policies
Literaturesee script
Prerequisites / NoticeBasic economic knowledge is expected.
751-2903-00LEvaluation of Agricultural Policies3 credits2GM. Stolze, S. Mann
AbstractThe course focuses on agricultural eeconomic research with particular focus on policy evaluation. We impart insights in the issue of policy evaluation as part of agricultural economics research.
Learning objectiveFocus: Policy Evaluation
The students are to...
- have a critical look at different angles of agri-economic research
- study scientific literature of the focus theme
- consider strengths, weaknesses and the application of research approaches
- apply knowledge gained from other courses with respect to the focus theme
- get insights in agricultural economic research of the national research institutions by visiting Agroscope and the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)
- be capable to conduct evaluations and critically reflect evaluation results
ContentUnit: Subject
01: Introduction
02: The normative frame for policy evaluation
03: Excursion to Frick
04: Public Politics for Evaluation
05: Application of Evaluations
06: Quantitive Methods
07: Excursion to Tänikon
08: Qualitative Methods
09: Case Study
10: Examination
Lecture notesHandouts (power point presentations)
Literature1) Bussmann Werner, Klöti Ulrich und Knoepfel Peter, 2004 (Hrsg). Einführung in die Politikevaluation. Helbling&Lichtenhahn. In German language. Will be privided by the lectures in unit 01.

2) Vedung Evert, 2000. Public Policy and Program Evaluation. ISBN 0-7658-0687-8.
Prerequisites / NoticeUnit 03: 1 day course at FiBL in 5070 Frick,

Unit 09: 1 day course at Agroscope in Tänikon, 8356 Ettenhausen,