Urs Gösken: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

NameMr Urs Gösken
Universität Zürich
Rämistrasse 71
8006 Zürich
DepartmentHumanities, Social and Political Sciences

851-0105-00LBackground Knowledge Arabic World2 credits2VU. Gösken
AbstractThis lecture will discuss important topics of the Arab culture involving concepts relating to history, the role of literature, sciences and religion, concepts of 'the West', meaning of education, understanding of culture as well as current concepts and discourses relevant at the sociocultural level.
Learning objectiveTeaching about epistemic contents relating to the Arabic world that constitute modern Arabs' self understanding and are relevant for adequate behavior in practically dealing with the Arabic world. What basic knowledge about 'their' culture are Arabs taught? What educational goals are pursued? What is the relationship they build with the West?
The topics that are discussed on the basis of a scientifically critical approach are concepts and understandings of history, the role of literature, sciences and religion, concepts of the West and relationship with the West, the role of education, understanding of culture and cultural refinement, current concepts and discourses relevant at the sociocultural level.
851-0861-01LArabic I (A1.1) Information Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (www.sprachenzentrum.uzh.ch).
2 credits3UU. Gösken
AbstractThis class aims at acquiring the elementary language competence on the level of speaking, listening and understanding as well as reading and writing of the Arabic script.
Learning objectiveThe participants are able to behave adequately in regard to language and culture in simple, but important everyday situations. Learning and practicing vocabulary and grammar are tailermade to acquire sufficient confidence to meet elementary communication needs orally and in writing.
ContentThe communicative needs which the practical contents and situations are designed to meet relate to: saying hello, asking about somebody's wellbeing, introducing each other, simple statements about objects and persons, asking for information and services. The participants are expected to do some of their homework on OLAT.
Lecture notesAll teaching material besides the reader will be distributed in the lessons and downloaded on OLAT.


Landesspracheninstitut in der Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Jahr: 2011
3., völlig überarb. Aufl
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course is open for students, post-graduate students and staff of both Zurich university and ETH without any knowledge of the Arabic language.
851-0866-02LArabic Reading Class (B1)
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (www.sprachenzentrum.uzh.ch).
2 credits2UU. Gösken
AbstractWe read short easy or intermediate level texts in the Arabic original and discuss them in Arabic as far as possible. The texts may be literary or deal with simple scientific topics, giving at any rate insights into the culture and society of the Arabic world. Likewise, we shall practice and deepen the competences gained in the previous classes.
Learning objectiveThe goal is to attain level B1 of the CEF orally and in writing. The class is about acquiring competences needed to deal with literary and scientific texts as well as gaining grammatical and lexical competences on the basis of original texts. The discussion of texts in the original is designed to encourage oral competence, too.