Peter Greutmann: Courses in Spring Semester 2019

NameMr Peter Greutmann
DepartmentHumanities, Social and Political Sciences

851-0240-01LDesigning Learning Environments for School (EW2 TD) Information Restricted registration - show details
Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)".

Adresses to students enrolled either in Teaching Diploma* (TD) or Teaching Certificate (TC) in Computer Science, Mathematics or Physics.
*Except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW2.
3 credits2V
851-0240-01 VDie Gestaltung schulischer Lernumgebungen (EW2 LD) Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.2 hrs
Tue17:15-19:00CHN C 14 »
E. Stern, P. Greutmann, J. Maue
851-0240-24LDesigning Learning Environments for Schools (EW2 LD) - Portfolio
- Enrolment only possible with simultaneous enrolment in course 851-0240-01L Designing Learning Environments for School (EW2 LD)!

- Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)".

- Adresses to students enrolled either in Teaching Diploma* (TD) or Teaching Certificate (TC) in Computer Science, Mathematics or Physics.
*Except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW2.
1 credit2U
851-0240-24 UDie Gestaltung schulischer Lernumgebungen (EW2 LD) - Portfolio30s hrsP. Greutmann, J. Maue
851-0242-01LCoping with Psychosocial Demands of Teaching (EW4) Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation, except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW4.
3 credits3S
851-0242-01 SBewältigung psychosozialer Anforderungen im Lehrberuf (EW4) Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Das Seminar findet im Raum ML H 41 statt.
ML J 34.3 steht für Übungen in Gruppen zur Verfügung.
Bei einer grossen Anzahl von Teilnehmern werden zwei Parallelveranstaltungen angeboten.
Bei Einschreibung nach Veranstaltungsbeginn bitte bei den Dozenten den Raum für die Sitzungen per Mail erfragen (
3 hrs
Thu09:15-12:00ML H 41.1 »
09:15-12:00ML J 34.3 »
P. Greutmann, U. Markwalder, S. Peteranderl