Gisbert Schneider: Courses in Autumn Semester 2017

Award: The Golden Owl
Name Prof. Dr. Gisbert Schneider
FieldComputer-Assisted Drug Design
Dep. Biosysteme
ETH Zürich, BSS F 57
Klingelbergstrasse 48
4056 Basel
Telephone+41 44 633 73 27
Fax+41 44 633 13 79
DepartmentChemistry and Applied Biosciences
RelationshipFull Professor

511-0007-00LScientific Writing and Presenting Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 24.
2 credits2G
511-0007-00 GScientific Writing and Presenting Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
2 hrs
Mon14:45-16:30HCI D 2 »
G. Schneider, J. Dolenc, J. A. Hiss, J.‑C. Leroux, O. Renn, J. Schnabl
535-0001-00LIntroduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences I2 credits2V
535-0001-00 VEinführung in die Pharmazeutischen Wissenschaften2 hrs
Fri08:45-10:30HCI J 4 »
27.10.07:45-09:30HCI J 4 »
C. Halin Winter, K.‑H. Altmann, S. M. Ametamey, M. Detmar, B. A. Gander, J. Hall, J.‑C. Leroux, C. Müller, D. Neri, U. Quitterer, R. Schibli, G. Schneider, H. U. Zeilhofer
535-0011-00LDrug Seminar Restricted registration - show details
The course is reserved for students registered in the Master's programme in Pharmacy or in Pharmaceutical Sciences
5 credits9S
535-0011-00 SDrug Seminar Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Presentation on 2nd and 3rd of November, HIT E 51
125s hrs
21.09.15:15-17:00HG E 5 »
C. Halin Winter, K.‑H. Altmann, S. M. Ametamey, M. Detmar, B. A. Gander, J. Hall, S.‑D. Krämer, J.‑C. Leroux, C. Müller, D. Neri, V. I. Otto, U. Quitterer, R. Schibli, G. Schneider, C. Steuer, H. U. Zeilhofer
535-0022-00LComputer-Assisted Drug Design1 credit1V
535-0022-00 VComputer-Assisted Drug Design1 hrs
Tue/116:45-18:30HCI J 4 »
G. Schneider
535-0023-00LComputer-Assisted Drug Design (Practical Course) Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.
4 credits6P
535-0023-00 PPraktikum Computer-Assisted Drug Design
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Block lecture: 22 Jan 2018 - 2 Feb 2018
Room: HCI G496
Mandatory kick-off meeting: 12 Dec 2017, 17:00 s.t., HCI G496
80s hrsby appt.G. Schneider, J. A. Hiss
535-0024-00LMethods in Drug Design Restricted registration - show details
Complementary to the practical course "Computer-Assisted Drug Design (Practical Course)" 535-0023-00L . Compulsory for the students of the practical course, open for other interested students.
1 credit1V
535-0024-00 VMethods in Drug Design
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Block lecture: 22 Jan 2018 - 2 Feb 2018
Room: HCI G496
Mandatory kick-off meeting: 12 Dec 2017, 17:00 s.t., HCI G496
20s hrsG. Schneider
535-0900-00LSeminars on Drug Discovery and Development1 credit1K
535-0900-00 KSeminars on Drug Discovery and Development
Gemäss separatem Programm
1 hrs
Wed16:45-17:30HCI J 4 »
J.‑C. Leroux, K.‑H. Altmann, S. M. Ametamey, M. Detmar, B. A. Gander, C. Halin Winter, J. Hall, D. Neri, U. Quitterer, R. Schibli, G. Schneider, H. U. Zeilhofer
535-1001-00LLaboratory Course General Chemistry (for Biology and Pharmacy) Information Restricted registration - show details
Information about the practical course will be given on the first day.
6 credits8P
535-1001-00 PPraktikum Allgemeine Chemie (für Biol./Pharm.Wiss.) Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
So früh wie möglich in myStudies belegen, weil Brandschutzkurse mit separatem Aufgebot schon vorher stattfinden.
8 hrs
Tue12:45-17:30HCI E 374 »
12:45-17:30HCI E 378 »
12:45-17:30HCI J 174 »
12:45-17:30HCI J 190.2 »
12:45-17:30HCI J 192.2 »
12:45-17:30HCI J 194.2 »
12:45-17:30HCI J 196.2 »
12:45-17:30HCI J 198.2 »
Thu12:45-17:30HCI E 374 »
12:45-17:30HCI E 378 »
12:45-17:30HCI J 174 »
12:45-17:30HCI J 190.2 »
12:45-17:30HCI J 192.2 »
12:45-17:30HCI J 194.2 »
12:45-17:30HCI J 196.2 »
12:45-17:30HCI J 198.2 »
19.09.13:15-14:00HG E 3 »
16.11.12:45-13:30HCI G 3 »
07.12.11:45-13:30HCI G 3 »
21.12.12:45-13:30HIL E 3 »
R. O. Kissner, K.‑H. Altmann, J. Hall, D. Neri, G. Schneider, M. D. Wörle
535-2000-00LSeminar for Group Members Restricted registration - show details 0 credits2S
535-2000-00 SSeminar for Group Members Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, HCI G494
2 hrsG. Schneider