Peter Bayer: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2021

NameHerr PD Dr. Peter Bayer
Heuberg 24
91567 Herrieden
DepartementErd- und Planetenwissenschaften

651-4109-00LGeothermal Energy3 KP4GM. O. Saar, P. Bayer, E. Rossi, F. Samrock
KurzbeschreibungThe course will introduce students to the general principles of Geothermics and is suitable for students who have a basic knowledge of Geoscience or Environmental Science (equivalent of a Bachelor degree).
LernzielTo provide students with a broad understanding of the systems used to exploit geothermal energy in diverse settings.
InhaltThe course will begin with an overview of heat generation and the thermal structure of the Earth. The basic theory describing the flow of heat in the shallow crust will be covered, as will be the methods used to measure it. Petrophysical parameters of relevance to Geothermics, such as thermal conductivity, heat capacity and radiogenic heat productivity, are described together with the laboratory and borehole measurement techniques used to estimate their values. The focus will then shift towards the exploitation of geothermal heat at various depths and temperatures, ranging from electricity and heat production in various types of deep geothermal systems (including high and medium temperature hydrothermal systems, and Engineered Geothermal Systems at depths of 5 km or more), to ground-source heat pumps installed in boreholes at depths of a few tens to hundreds of meters for heating domestic houses.
The subjects covered are as follows:
Week 1: Introduction. Earth's thermal structure. Conductive heat flow
Week 2: Heat flow measurement. Advective heat flow. Petrophysical parameters and their measurement.
Week 3: Temperature measurement. Hydrothermal reservoirs & well productivity
Week 4: Hydrological characterisation of reservoirs. Drilling. Optimized systems
Week 5: Petrothermal or Engineered Geothermal Systems
Week 6: Low-enthalpy systems 1
Week 7: Low-enthalpy systems 2.
SkriptThe script for each class will be available for download from the Ilias website no later than 1 day before the class.