Bruno Schneider: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2016

Name Dr. Bruno Schneider
DepartmentMechanical and Process Engineering

151-0262-00LDiagnostics in Experimental Combustion Research4 credits3GK. Herrmann, K. Boulouchos, B. Schneider
AbstractThe course is an introduction with regard to different measurement techniques and diagnostical methods. After a first part of measurement technique fundamentals, the acquisition of important key parameter by sensors will be presented. The second major part of the course deals with non-intrusive optical (laser-)measurement techniques.
Learning objectiveOverview about measurement techniques in general and specific optical methods used in experimental combustion research.
ContentPart I – fundamentals: experiment, measuring chain, signal- and data acquisition, processing and analysis.
Part II – measurement technique: principles (capacitive, inductive, magnetic, et al.), acquisition of different key parameter (velocity, force, pressure, temperature, tension, et al.) with probes and sensors.
Part III – optical measurement technique: fundamentals optics, sensors (CCD, CMOS, photodiode, et al.), optical techniques (scattered light, Shadow-imaging, Schlieren, et al.), in particular non-intrusive flow measurement (LDA/PDA, PIV), chemiluminescence & spectroscopic techniques (laser-induced fluorescence LIF; Raman, CARS, et al.), and other laser diagnostical methods (LII, Pyrometry, et al.).
Lecture notesHandout slides
Prerequisites / NoticeEnglish or German (based on request)