Salomé Régine Leibundgut: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2021

Name Prof. Dr. Salomé Régine Leibundgut
(Professor Universität Zürich (UZH))
Lehre Biologie
ETH Zürich, HIT F 41.1
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27
8093 Zürich

551-0318-00LImmunology II3 credits2VA. Oxenius, M. Kopf, S. R. Leibundgut, E. Slack, further lecturers
AbstractIntroduction into the cellular and molecular basis of the immune system and immune responses against diverse pathogens, tumors, transplants, and self (autoimmunity)
Learning objectiveThe lectures will provide a detailed understanding:
- how innate and adaptive immune responses interact at the cellular and molecular level.
- how the immune system recognizes and fights against pathogenic microorganisms including viruses, bacteria, and parasites.
- why lymphocytes tolerate self molecules.
- about function and dysfunction the intestinal immune system.
- immunopathology and inflammatory diseases.
ContentThe aim of lecture is to understand:
> How pathogens are recognized by the innate immune system
> Immune defense against various pathogens
> Immunology of the skin, lung and intestines
> Tumor immunology
> Migration and homing of immune cells
> tolerance and autoimmunity
> T cell memory
Lecture notesPresentations of the lecturers are available at the Moodle link
LiteratureRecommended: Kuby Immunology (Freeman)
551-0509-00LCurrent Immunological Research in Zurich0 credits1KR. Spörri, M. Detmar, C. Halin Winter, W.‑D. Hardt, M. Kopf, S. R. Leibundgut, A. Oxenius, University lecturers
AbstractThis monthly meeting is a platform for Zurich-based immunology research groups to present and discuss their ongoing research projects. At each meeting three PhD students or Postdocs from the participating research groups present an ongoing research project in a 30 min seminar followed by a plenary discussion.
Learning objectiveThe aim of this monthly meeting is to provide further education for master and doctoral students as well as Postdocs in diverse topics of immunology and to give an insight in the related research. Furthermore, this platform fosters the establishment of science- and technology-based interactions between the participating research groups.
ContentPresentation and discussion of current research projects carried out by various immunology-oriented research groups in Zurich.
Lecture notesnone
551-1100-00LInfectious Agents: From Molecular Biology to Disease
Number of participants limited to 22.

Requires application until 2 weeks before the start of the semester; selected applicants will be notified one week before the first week of lectures.
(if you missed the deadline, please come to the first date to see, if there are any slots left)
4 credits2SW.‑D. Hardt, A. B. Hehl, M. Kopf, S. R. Leibundgut, C. Münz, A. Oxenius, P. Sander, further lecturers
AbstractLiterature seminar for students at the masters level and PhD students. Introduction to the current research topics in infectious diseases; Introduction to key pathogens which are studied as model organisms in this field; Overview over key research groups in the field of infectious diseases in Zürich.
Learning objectiveWorking with the current research literature. Getting to know the key pathogens serving as model organisms and the research technologies currently used in infection biology.
Contentfor each model pathogen (or key technology):
1. introduction to the pathogen
2. Discussion of one current research paper.
The paper will be provided by the respective supervisor. He/she will give advice (if required) and guide the respective literature discussion.
Lecture notesTeachers will provide the research papers to be discussed.
Students will prepare handouts for the rest of the group for their assigned seminar.
LiteratureTeachers will provide the research papers to be discussed.
Prerequisites / NoticeRestricted to max 22 students. Please sign up until two weeks before the beginning of the semester via e-mail to and include the following information: 551-1100-00L; your name, your e-mail address, university/eth, students (specialization, semester), PhD students (research group, member of a PhD program? which program?). The 22 students admitted to this seminar will be selected and informed by e-mail in the week befor the beginning of the semester by W.-D. Hardt.
The first seminar date will serve to form groups of students and assign a paper to each group.
551-1118-00LCutting Edge Topics: Immunology and Infection Biology II Information 2 credits2SA. Oxenius, B. Becher, C. Halin Winter, N. C. Joller, M. Kopf, S. R. Leibundgut, C. Münz, F. Sallusto, R. Spörri, M. van den Broek, University lecturers
AbstractWeekly seminar about cutting edge topics in immunology and infection biology. Internationally renowned experts present their current research followed by an open discussion.
Learning objectiveWeekly seminar about cutting edge topics in immunology and infection biology. Internationally renowned experts present their current research followed by an open discussion.
The aim of this course is to confront students with current research topics and with scientific presentation. The course offers the opportunity to gain in depth knowledge about diverse topics which are often only briefly touched in the concept courses and to engage in discussion with experts in the field.
ContentImmunology and infection biology.
The specific topics are variable and depend each semester on the list of invited experts.