Shana J. Sturla: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2015 |
Name | Frau Prof. Dr. Shana J. Sturla |
Lehrgebiet | Toxikologie |
Adresse | Dep. Gesundheitswiss. und Technol. ETH Zürich, LFO D 15.1 Schmelzbergstrasse 9 8092 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telefon | +41 44 632 91 75 | | |
URL | |
Departement | Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie |
Beziehung | Ordentliche Professorin |
Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
551-1400-00L | Molecular Disease Mechanisms II | 6 KP | 4V | C. Wolfrum, M. Kopf, S. J. Sturla, weitere Dozierende | |
Kurzbeschreibung | In this course the mechanisms of disease development will be studied. Main topics will be: 1. Influence of environmental factors with an emphasis on inflammation and the immune response. 2. Mechanisms underlying disease progression in metabolic disorders, integrating genetic and environmental factors. 3. Mechanisms underlying disease progression in cancer, integrating genetic and environment | ||||
Lernziel | To understand the mechanisms governing disease development with a special emphasis on genetic and environmental associated components | ||||
Skript | All information can be found at: The enrollment key will be provided by email | ||||
752-1030-00L | Food Biochemistry and Toxicology Laboratory | 5 KP | 8P | L. Nyström, S. J. Sturla | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Advanced laboratory course on analytical techniques used in food chemistry, biochemistry and toxicology. | ||||
Lernziel | After attending the course, the students are able to: - apply sample pre-treatment methods for modern chemical/biochemical analysis - operate advanced analytical instruments (HPLC, GC, MS) for sample analyses - determine toxicological consequences of chemical exposures - critically analyze primary experimental data (including evaluating measurement uncertainty), and evaluate data with statistical methods. | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Food Chemistry I and II, Food Analysis I and II, Introduction to Molecular Toxicology, Laboratory Course in Food Chemistry, or equivalent. | ||||
752-1300-00L | Introduction to Molecular Toxicology | 3 KP | 2V | S. J. Sturla | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Introduction to chemical and biological interactions that govern the properties, disposition and biological influences of toxins. | ||||
Lernziel | The objectives are for the student to establish a framework for examining adverse effects resulting from exposures to toxins by understanding key molecular mechanisms that give rise to toxic responses and disease processes. | ||||
Inhalt | Einführung in die Mechanismen zur Steuerung der chemischen Disposition und der biologischen Einflüsse von Giften. Geeignet für Bachelorstudenten in höheren Semestern und Masterstudenten sowie Doktorierende der Lebensmittelwissenschaft oder verwandten Bereichen (Chemie, Umweltwissenschaften, Pharmazie, etc.) Themengebiete sind: Dosis-Wirkungsrelation und Risikoanalyse, Absorption, Transport und Biotransformation von Fremdstoffen/Chemikalien; Kanzerogenese; Schädigung der DNS, Wiederherstellung und Mutation; Chemotherapie; Immunotoxikologie; Neurotoxikologie; und Systemtoxikologie. Diese fundamentalen Konzepte der molekularen Toxikologie werden anhand von Giftstoffen besprochen, die für Lebensmittel, Arzneistoffe und die Umwelt relevant sind. | ||||
Literatur | Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology, Second Edition. Curtis Kaassen and John B. Watkins III, 2010, McGraw-Hill. | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | organic chemistry and biochemistry | ||||
752-1300-01L | Food Toxicology | 2 KP | 1V | I. Trantakis, S. J. Sturla | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Builds on a foundation in Molecular Toxicology fundamentals to address situations and toxins relevant to Food Science, Nutrition, and Food Safety & Quality. | ||||
Lernziel | Course objectives are for the student to have a broad awareness of toxicant classes and toxicants relevant to food, and to know their identities (i.e. chemical structure or biological nature), origins, relevance of human exposures, general mode of biological action, and potential mitigation strategies. | ||||
Inhalt | Baut auf Basiswissen molekularer Toxikologie Grundlagen auf und behandelt Themen, die vor allem in der Lebensmittelwissenschaft, der Ernährung und der Lebensmittelsicherheit und -qualität relevant sind. Beispiele sind: giftige Phytochemikalien und Mycotoxine, industrielle Schadstoffe und Verpackungsmaterialien, Giftstoffe, die während der Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln gebildet werden, sowie Alkohol und Tabak. Die Vorlesung besteht aus verschiedenen Vorträgen (alle vierzehn Tage), selbständige Lektüre und Evaluation eines lebensmittelrelevanten Toxins. | ||||
Literatur | Introduction to Food Toxicology. 2009, Second Edition. T. Shibamoto and L. F. Bjeldanes. Supplementary reading from the primary literature will be referenced in class and posted to the course website. | ||||
752-1301-00L | Special Topics in Toxicology | 2 KP | 2G | S. J. Sturla | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Journal-club style course involving student presentations and active discussion and critique of recent publications and modern experimental strategies. The focus is on chemical, biochemical, and nutritional aspects of selected topics in Toxicology, with a new group of topics addressed each semester | ||||
Lernziel | -to stimulate student interest and provide advanced knowledge of current research in Toxicology and its related sciences - to develop skills in critical evaluation of scientific literature, oral presentation and questioning - to understand modern experimental techniques and research approaches relevant in toxicology | ||||
Inhalt | Im "journal club" diskutieren wir aktuelle Veröffentlichungen auf dem Gebiet der Toxikologie mit einem chemischen, biochemischen oder ernährungswissenschaftlichen Hintergrund. Der Kurs beinhaltet Vorträge, in denen Studenten eine Veröffentlichung vorstellen, gefolgt von einer anschliessender Diskussion durch alle Teilnehmer. | ||||
Literatur | A selection of approximately 20 papers from recent primary scientific literature. | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | The course is open to Masters or PhD level students in food science or related (i.e. chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceutical sciences, etc.) For Masters level participants, a strict prerequisite is (a) previously taken and passed "Introduction to Molecular Toxicology" (752-1300) and/or (b) previous courses supporting equivalent knowledge plus permission from the instructor. | ||||
752-1302-00L | Advanced Topics in Toxicology | 2 KP | 2G | S. J. Sturla | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Journal-club style course that involves student presentations of chemical and biochemical aspects of recent primary research articles concerning selected topics in Toxicology. | ||||
Lernziel | The goals are to stimulate student interest and provide advanced knowledge of current research in the interdisciplinary area of Food and Nutrition Toxicology and its related sciences. The student should develop skills in the critical evaluation of scientific literature, oral presentation and questioning, and understanding modern experimental techniques in Molecular Toxicology. | ||||
Inhalt | Diskussion von neusten Fachpublikationen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt bei chemischen und biochemischen Aspekten ausgewählter Themen im Bereich Toxikologie. Teilnehmer sind vorwiegend Studierende auf Masterstufe oder Doktorierende in verwandten Bereichen (Chemie, Pharmazie, etc.). Vertiefte Kenntnisse in organischer Chemie und Biochemie werden vorausgesetzt. Selected course topics change every semester. | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Participants are required to have previously taken and passed Introduction to Molecular Toxicology (752-1300). If you have not taken 752-1300, but have related experience supporting a strong prior knowledge of molecular/chemical toxicology or related sciences, please obtain permission from the instructor. The course is open to masters or PhD level students in food science, environmental sciences, chemistry, pharmaceutical sciences, molecular life sciences, etc. If you do not have sufficient preparation to participate, please consider taking 752-1300 this year and participating in the journal club in the future (it is offered every semester). | ||||
752-7500-00L | World Food Systems Film Series Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. | 1 KP | 1S | S. J. Sturla | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Utilizing modern documentary films to stimulate debate and critique, this course exposes students to critical issues of the world food system including challenges related to environmental, health, and social factors. | ||||
Lernziel | Course objectives are to be aware of key concepts regarding the world food system that are currently receiving significant attention in both popular and scientific media, and to explore issues concerning communicating science to the public, dealing with bias and emotional polarization, and the role of the media in raising awareness. | ||||
Inhalt | This course exposes students to critical issues of the world food system including challenges related to environmental, health, economic, agricultural and social factors. Students will view modern documentary films and participate in debate and critique. Students will explore issues concerning communicating science to the public, dealing with bias and emotional polarization, and the role of the media in raising awareness. |