Andrey Zheludev: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2020 |
Name | Herr Prof. Dr. Andrey Zheludev |
Lehrgebiet | Experimentelle Festkörperphysik |
Adresse | Laboratorium für Festkörperphysik ETH Zürich, HPF F 20 Otto-Stern-Weg 1 8093 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telefon | +41 79 674 79 39 | | |
Departement | Physik |
Beziehung | Ordentlicher Professor |
Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
402-0257-00L | Advanced Solid State Physics ![]() | 10 KP | 3V + 2U | A. Zheludev, K. Povarov | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course is an extension of the introductory course on solid state physics. The purpose of this course is to learn to navigate the complex collective quantum phases, excitations and phase transitions that are the dominant theme in modern solid state physics. The emphasis is on the main concepts and on specific experimental examples, both classic ones and those from recent research. | ||||
Lernziel | The goal is to study how novel phenomena emerge in the solid state. | ||||
Inhalt | = Today's challenges and opportunities in Solid State Physics = Phase transitions and critical phenomena .Main concepts: coherence length, symmetry, order parameter, correlation functions, generalized susceptibility .Bragg-Williams mean field theory .Landau theory of phase transitions .Fluctuations in Landau theory .Critical exponents: significance, measurement, inequalities, equalities .Scaling and hyperscaling .Universality .Critical dynamics .Quantum phase transitions and quantum criticality =Fermi surface instabilities . The concept of the Landau Fermi liquid in metals . Kohn anomalies . Charge density waves . Metallic ferromagnets and half-metals . Spin density waves =Magnetism of insulators .Magnetic interactions in solids and the spin Hamiltonian .Magnetic structures and phase transitions .Spin waves .Quantum magnetism = Electron correlations in solids . Mott insulating state . Phases of the Hubbard model . Layered cuprates (non-superconducting properties) | ||||
Skript | The printed material for this course involves: (1) a self-contained script, distributed electronically at semester start. (2) experimental examples (Power Point slide-style) selected from original publications, distributed at the start of every lecture. | ||||
Literatur | A list of books will be distributed. Numerous references to useful published scientific papers will be provided. | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | This course is for students who like to be engaged in active learning. The "exercise classes" are organized in a non-traditional way: following the idea of "less is more", we will work on only about half a dozen topics, and this gives students a chance to take a look at original literature (provided), and to get the grasp of a topic from a broader perspective. Students report back that this mode of "exercise class" is more satisfying than traditional modes, even if it does not mean less effort. | ||||
402-0501-00L | Solid State Physics | 0 KP | 1S | A. Zheludev, G. Blatter, C. Degen, K. Ensslin, D. Pescia, M. Sigrist, A. Wallraff | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Research colloquium | ||||
Lernziel |