Bernhard Weisse: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2020

NameHerr Bernhard Weisse
Ueberlandstrasse 129
Mechanical Systems Eng.
8600 Dübendorf
Telefon058 765 48 10
Fax058 765 69 11

327-2103-00LAdvanced Composite and Adaptive Material Systems4 KP2V + 2UF. J. Clemens, B. Weisse
KurzbeschreibungEnables materials scientists to work in a wide range of advanced composite and adaptive material systems. Emphasis is placed on developing advanced knowledge and understanding of their design, manufacturing, structure and properties, characterisation and applications.
LernzielEnables materials scientists to work in a wide range of advanced composite and adaptive material systems. Emphasis is placed on developing advanced knowledge and understanding of their design, manufacturing, structure and properties, characterisation and applications.
InhaltThe course will comprise a balance of lectures, tutorials, student presentations and laboratory classes. In addition, case study site visits will be made for certain topics to illustrate the industrial application of particular technologies.

More and more, the interest in particle and fibre reinforced / structural composite materials is increasing. In beginning, the main focus will be on the production of functional fibres, e.g., for fibre-based sensor and actuator composites with polymers, metals and ceramics. Optical, piezoelectric, shape memory and other fibres for advanced composite applications will be treated in detail. There will be a discussion on fibre classification, fibre production (ceramic and others), adaptive and smart materials, types of sensors and actuators (e.g. made from electro-active polymers), and sensor networks with piezoelectric composites (e.g., Active or Macro Fibre Composites) for adaptive material systems or structural health monitoring (SHM) of advanced composite structures. Furthermore, students will get an overview of biomedical composites and composite application in the field of aerospace, automotive, civil engineering, and energy industry.

Emphasis will be put on the underlaying science of a particular process or effect rather than a detailed description of the technique or equipment.

Manufacturing of actuators driven by electro-active polymers (EAP) and sensors applications of Active Fibre Composites (AFC) will be studied in laboratory classes.

Case studies and examples drawn from structural and functional applications of advanced composite and adaptive material systems will be demonstrated.
Skriptwill be distributed
LiteraturComposite Materials: Engineering and Science by F. L. Matthews, R. D. Rawlings. Publisher: CRC Press, 1999.

Adaptronics and smart structures : basics, materials, design, and applications by H. Janocha. Publisher Springer 1999; Berlin, New York.

Smart structures : analysis and design by A.V. Srinivasan, D. Michael McFarland. Publisher Cambridge University Press, 2001; Cambridge, New York.

Structural health monitoring by D. Balageas, C.-P. Fritzen, A. Güemes. Publisher iSTE, 2006; ISBN: 1-905209-01-0.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisite:
ETH-course 327-0610 “Composite Materials” or similar course