Jean Marc Wunderli: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2021

Name Dr. Jean Marc Wunderli
Überlandstrasse 129
Abt. Akustik
8600 Dübendorf
Telephone044 823 47 48
DepartmentCivil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

102-0535-00LNoise Abatement Information 5 credits4GK. Eggenschwiler, J. M. Wunderli
AbstractBasics of acoustics and hearing. Measurement of sound. Impact of noise (physiological, psychological, social, economic). Legislation (focus on Swiss noise abatement ordinance), spatial planning. Sound propagation outdoor and in buildings. Calculation models and measurement procedures. Traffic noise (roads, railways, airports), shooting noise, noise from industrial plants. Building acoustics.
Learning objectiveThe students will understand the basics of noise abatement: acoustics, impact of noise, meas-urement techniques and legislation. The students will be able to analyze different noise prob-lems and they will be able to solve simple problems of noise abatement.
ContentPhysikalische Grundlagen: Schalldruck, Wellen, Quellenarten.
Akustische Messtechnik: Umgang mit Dezibel, Akustische Masse, Schallpegelmesser, Spektralanalyse.
Lärmwirkungen: Gehör, Gesundheitliche Wirkungen von Lärm, Störung/Belästigung, Belastungsmasse.
Gesetzliche Grundlagen der Lärmbekämpfung / Raumplanung: Lärmschutzverordnung/SIA 181. Zusammenhang mit der Raumplanung.
Schallausbreitung im Freien: Abstandsgesetze, Luftdämpfung, Bodeneffekt, Abschirmung, Reflexion, Streuung, Bebauung, Wettereinflüsse.
Kurze Einführung in die Bauakustik und in die einfachsten Grundlagen der Raumakustik.
Eigenschaften von Schallquellen: Akustische Beschreibung von Schallquellen, Lärmminderung an der Quelle.
Lärmarten und Prognoseverfahren: Messen/Berechnen, Strassenlärm, Eisenbahnlärm, Fluglärm, Schiesslärm, Industrielärm.
Lecture notesSkript "Lärmbekämpfung" als PDF ab Beginn der Vorlesung verfügbar.
Prerequisites / Notice1 - 2 Exkursionen
151-8007-00LUrban Physics Information Restricted registration - show details 3 credits3GJ. Carmeliet, D. W. Brunner, A. Rubin, C. Schär, D. A. Strebel, H. Wernli, J. M. Wunderli, Y. Zhao
AbstractUrban physics: wind, wind comfort, pollutant dispersion, natural ventilation, driving rain, heat islands, climate change and weather conditions, urban acoustics and energy use in the urban context.
Learning objective- Basic knowledge of the global climate and the local microclimate around buildings
- Impact of urban environment on wind, ventilation, rain, pollutants, acoustics and energy, and their relation to comfort, durability, air quality and energy demand
- Application of urban physics concepts in urban design
Content- Climate Change. The Global Picture: global energy balance, global climate models, the IPCC process. Towards regional climate scenarios: role of spatial resolution, overview of approaches, hydrostatic RCMs, cloud-resolving RCMs
- Urban micro climate and comfort: urban heat island effect, wind flow and radiation in the built environment, convective heat transport modelling, heat balance and ventilation of urban spaces - impact of morphology, outdoor wind comfort, outdoor thermal comfort,
- Urban energy and urban design. Energy performance of building quarters and cities, decentralized urban energy production and storage technologies, district heating networks, optimization of energy consumption at district level, effect of the micro climate, urban heat islands, and climate change on the energy performance of buildings and building blocks.
- Wind driving rain (WDR): WDR phenomena, WDR experimental and modeling, wind blocking effect, applications and moisture durability
- Pollutant dispersion. pollutant cycle : emission, transport and deposition, air quality
- Urban acoustics. noise propagation through the urban environment, meteorological effects, urban acoustic modeling, noise reduction measures, urban vegetation
Lecture notesThe course lectures and material are provided online via Moodle.
Prerequisites / NoticeFor MIBS Master students 151-8011-ooL Building Phyics Theory & Application is a pre-requisit for this course or instructor permission. For others no prior knowledge is required.