Roger Gassert: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2022

Name Prof. Dr. Roger Gassert
FieldRehabilitation Engineering
Rehabilitation Engineering
ETH Zürich, GLC G 20.2
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 32 66
DepartmentHealth Sciences and Technology
RelationshipFull Professor

377-0523-00LMedical Technology I Restricted registration - show details
Only for Human Medicine BSc
3 credits4GR. Gassert, O. Lambercy
AbstractThe course will guide students through the user-centered development and evaluation process of a medical engineering system for arm movement support. It will introduce the fundamentals of data acquisition, signal processing and control engineering, complemented by hands-on experience with sensors/signals, actuators, signal processing, feedforward/feedback control as well as 3D design/printing.
Learning objectiveThe course enables students to:
• prepare for the collaboration with engineers, and understand their approach to the analysis and characterization of technical challenges
• describe the user-centered design and evaluation process of a medical engineering system
• explain the fundamentals of data acquisition, signal processing and controls engineering
• interpret measurements of physiological signals and analyze these for noise contributions
• acquire practical experience with sensors/signals, actuators, signal processing, controls as well as 3 design/printing
ContentThe course covers the interdisciplinary elements of a medical engineering development and its evalution, ranging from human factors to sensor and actuator technologies, (real-time) signal processing, control engineering basics as well as safety/ethical aspects. It is framed around the electrophysiological assessment and robotic movement support following spinal cord injury, and complemented with practical training on a didactic elbow exoskeleton.
Prerequisites / NoticeVoraussetzungen:
LE 402-0083-00L Physik I
LE 402-0684-00L Physik II