Roger Gassert: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2018

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Roger Gassert
Rehabilitation Engineering
ETH Zürich, GLC G 20.2
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 32 66
DepartementGesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie
BeziehungOrdentlicher Professor

151-0061-10LIngenieur-Tool: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten mit LaTeX und Vektorgraphiken Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 40

Es darf nur ein Ingenieur-Tool-Kurs pro Semester belegt werden. Die Ingenieur-Tool-Kurse sind ausschliesslich für MAVT-Bachelor-Studierende.
0.4 KP1KR. Gassert
KurzbeschreibungDieser Kurs gibt einen Einblick in Aufbau und Erstellen von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und Publikationen mit Hilfe von LaTeX und Open Source Programmen zur Bildbearbeitung und Erstellung von Vektorgraphiken. LaTeX ist ein Textsatzprogramm, welches Formatierungen und Layout trennt und vor allem im wissenschaftlichen Bereich bei umfangreichen Arbeiten und Publikationen zum Einsatz kommt.
LernzielAnhand konkreter Beispiele einen Einblick in das Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten (z.B. Bachelor Arbeit, Semester Arbeit, Master Arbeit) mit LaTeX und Vektorgraphiken erhalten und die wichtigsten Befehle zum Setzen komplexer Formeln, Tabellen und Graphiken erlernen.
Inhalt-- Aufbau einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit
-- Schreiben mit LaTeX (Strukturaufbau, Formatierung, Formeln, Tabellen, Grafiken, Literaturverweise, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Hyperlinks, Packages) basierend auf einem Template für Bachelor/ Semester/ Master Arbeiten
-- Grafische Gestaltung und Darstellung mit Matlab und Open Source Programmen
-- Einbinden von PDF Dateien (Aufgabenstellung, Datenblätter)
-- Verwalten von Literaturdatenbanken
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBesonderes:
Die Übungen werden auf dem eigenen Laptop durchgeführt (mindestens ein Laptop pro zwei Personen). Ein komplettes LaTeX Package und Inkscape müssen im Voraus installiert werden
151-0623-00LETH Zurich Distinguished Seminar in Robotics, Systems and Controls Information
Students for other Master's programmes in Department Mechanical and Process Engineering cannot use the credit in the category Core Courses
1 KP1SB. Nelson, M. Chli, R. Gassert, M. Hutter, W. Karlen, R. Riener, R. Siegwart
KurzbeschreibungThis course consists of a series of seven lectures given by researchers who have distinguished themselves in the area of Robotics, Systems, and Controls.
LernzielObtain an overview of various topics in Robotics, Systems, and Controls from leaders in the field. Please see for a list of upcoming lectures.
InhaltThis course consists of a series of seven lectures given by researchers who have distinguished themselves in the area of Robotics, Systems, and Controls. MSc students in Robotics, Systems, and Controls are required to attend every lecture. Attendance will be monitored. If for some reason a student cannot attend one of the lectures, the student must select another ETH or University of Zurich seminar related to the field and submit a one page description of the seminar topic. Please see for a suggestion of other lectures.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesStudents are required to attend all seven lectures to obtain credit. If a student must miss a lecture then attendance at a related special lecture will be accepted that is reported in a one page summary of the attended lecture. No exceptions to this rule are allowed.
Primär für HST-Studenten ausgelegt.

Die Biomechatronics Vorlesung ist nicht für Studenten geeignet, welche bereits die Vorlesung "Physical Human-Robot Interaction"(376-1504-00L) besucht haben, da sie ähnliche Themen abdeckt.

Matlab Kenntnisse sind vorteilhaft -> online Tutorial
4 KP3GR. Riener, R. Gassert
KurzbeschreibungDevelopment of mechatronic systems (i.e. mechanics, electronics, computer science and system integration) with inspiration from biology and application in the living (human) organism.
LernzielThe objective of this course is to give an introduction to the fundamentals of biomechatronics, through lectures on the underlying theoretical/mechatronics aspects and application fields, in combination with exercises. The course will guide students through the design and evaluation process of such systems, and highlight a number of applications.

By the end of this course, you should understand the critical elements of biomechatronics and their interaction with biological systems, both in terms of engineering metrics and human factors. You will be able to apply the learned methods and principles to the design, improvement and evaluation of safe and efficient biomechatronics systems.
InhaltThe course will cover the interdisciplinary elements of biomechatronics, ranging from human factors to sensor and actuator technologies, real-time signal processing, system kinematics and dynamics, modeling and simulation, controls and graphical rendering as well as safety/ethical aspects, and provide an overview of the diverse applications of biomechatronics technology.
SkriptSlides will be distributed through moodle before the lectures.
LiteraturBrooker, G. (2012). Introduction to Biomechatronics. SciTech Publishing.
Riener, R., Harders, M. (2012) Virtual Reality in Medicine. Springer, London.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesNone
376-1400-00LTransfer of Technologies into Neurorehabilitation Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 3 KP2VC. Müller, R. Gassert, R. Riener, H. Van Hedel, N. Wenderoth
KurzbeschreibungThe course focuses on clinical as well as industrial aspects of advanced technologies and their transfer into neurorehabilitation from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The students will learn the basics of neurorehabilitation and the linkage to technologies, gain insight into the development within the medtech field and learn applications of technologies in clinical settings.
LernzielThe students will:
- Learn basics and principles of clinical neuroscience and neurorehabilitation.
- Gain insight into the technical basics of advanced technologies and the transfer into product development processes.
- Gain insight into the application, the development and integration of advanced technologies in clinical settings. This includes the advantages and limitations according to different pathologies and therapy goals.
- Get the opportunity to test advanced technologies in practical settings.
- Learn how to transfer theoretical concepts to actual settings in different working fields.
InhaltMain focus:
- Neurobiological principles applied to the field of neurorehabilitation.
- Clinical applications of advanced rehabilitation technologies.
- Visit medical technology companies, rehabilitation centers and labs to gain deeper insight into the development, application and evaluation of advanced technologie
SkriptTeaching materials will be provided for the individual events and lectures.
- Slides (pdf files)
- Information sheets and flyers of the visited companies, labs and clinics