Christian Münz: Courses in Spring Semester 2019

Name Prof. Dr. Christian Münz
(Professor Universität Zürich (UZH))
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
Experimentelle Immunologie Y44 J05
8057 Zürich

551-0396-01LImmunology I Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.

Prerequisites: Attendance of the concept courses Immunology I (551-0317-00L) and Immunology II (551-0318-00L)

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
6 credits7G
551-0396-01 GImmunology I
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Block course in the semester break.
Place: practicals room HCI D394/96
100s hrsA. Oxenius, B. Becher, M. Groettrup, M. Kopf, B. Ludewig, C. Münz, R. Spörri, M. van den Broek
551-1100-00LInfectious Agents: From Molecular Biology to Disease
Number of participants limited to 22.
Requires application until 2 weeks before the start of the semester; selected applicants will be notified one week before the first week of lectures.
(if you missed the deadline, please come to the first date to see, if there are any slots left)
4 credits2S
551-1100-00 SInfectious Agents: From Molecular Biology to Disease2 hrs
Fri09:45-11:30HCI D 2 »
W.‑D. Hardt, L. Eberl, U. F. Greber, A. B. Hehl, M. Kopf, S. R. Leibundgut, C. Münz, A. Oxenius, P. Sander
551-1118-00LCutting Edge Topics: Immunology and Infection Biology II Information 2 credits1S
551-1118-00 SCutting Edge Topics: Immunology and Infection Biology II
**together with University of Zurich**
1 hrs
Tue16:45-18:30HCI D 8 »
A. Oxenius, B. Becher, C. Halin Winter, N. C. Joller, M. Kopf, S. R. Leibundgut, C. Münz, F. Sallusto, R. Spörri, M. van den Broek, University lecturers