Markus Nollert: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016

Name Dr. Markus Nollert
Inst. f. Raum- u. Landschaftsentw.
ETH Zürich, HIL H 41.3
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich
DepartmentCivil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

103-0417-02LTheory and Methodology of Spatial Planning
Only for master students, otherwise a special permisson by the lecturer is required.
3 credits2GM. Nollert
AbstractIn order to solve problems in spatial planning it is necessary to explore actions and to judge them; finally, one has to argue why a certain option should be preferred to others. Assessments of the situation are the basis for the problems to treat. Specific knowledge, represented in an adequate manner, is required.
Learning objectiveThe participants know the interdependencies between the assessment of a situation, decision making, knowlegde and language. They know the nature of a decision dilemma und maximes, how to deal with it. Especially they learn that the requirement of information for a decision depends upon the preferences of the deciding acteur. They are also familiar with difficulties and pitfalls within these contexts and know what can be done against it.
ContentAssessment of the situation, deciding, language and knowledge are the main parts.