Stefan Bechtold: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2018 |
Name | Herr Prof. Dr. Stefan Bechtold |
Lehrgebiet | Immaterialgüterrecht |
Adresse | Professur f. Intellectual Property ETH Zürich, IFW E 47.2 Haldeneggsteig 4 8092 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telefon | +41 44 632 26 70 | | |
URL | |
Departement | Geistes-, Sozial- und Staatswissenschaften |
Beziehung | Ordentlicher Professor |
Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
851-0708-00L | Grundzüge des Rechts Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 200 Grundzüge des Rechts als GESS-Pflichtwahlfach: Studierende, die die Vorlesung "Grundzüge des Rechts für Architektur" (851-0703-01L), "Grundzüge des Rechts für Bauwissenschaften" (851-0703-03L) oder "Grundzüge des Rechts" (851-0703-00) belegt haben oder belegen werden, sollen sich in dieser Lerneinheit nicht einschreiben. Besonders geeignet für Studierende D-HEST, D-MAVT, D-MATL, D-USYS. | 2 KP | 2V | S. Bechtold | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Die Vorlesung führt in Grundzüge der Rechtsordnung ein. Neben dem Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsrecht werden Fragen des Vertragsrechts, der ausservertraglichen Haftung, des Gesellschaftsrechts, des Immaterialgüterrechts und des Prozessrechts behandelt. | ||||
Lernziel | Einführung in Grundfragen des öffentlichen und des Privatrechts als Grundlage für weitergehende rechtswissenschaftliche Lehrveranstaltungen. | ||||
Inhalt | 1. Öffentliches Recht Staatsrecht: Funktion und Quellen des Rechts, Aufbau und Organisation des Staates, Grundrechte, Grundzüge des Völker- und Europarechts. Verwaltungsrecht: Verwaltungsverhältnis, Verfügung, Verwaltungsorganisation, Durchsetzung des Verwaltungsrechts, Verwaltungsverfahrensrecht, Grundzüge des Polizei-, Umwelt- und Raumplanungsrechts. 2. Privatrecht Vertragsrecht: Vertragsfreiheit, Vertragsentstehung, -erfüllung und -verletzung, Grundzüge des Kauf- und Mietvertrags. Haftungsrecht: Verschuldenshaftung und Kausalhaftung, Beschränkung der Haftung. Grundzüge des Gesellschafts,- Immaterialgüter- und Zivilprozessrechts. | ||||
Skript | Auf der Moodle-Plattform verfügbar. | ||||
Literatur | Weiterführende Informationen sind auf der Moodle-Lernumgebung zur Vorlesung erhältlich (s. | ||||
851-0732-01L | Workshop and Lecture Series in Law and Economics | 2 KP | 2S | S. Bechtold | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The Workshop and Lectures Series in Law and Economics is a joint seminar of ETH Zurich and the Universities of Basel, Lucerne, St. Gallen and Zurich. Legal, economics, and psychology scholars will give a lecture and/or present their current research. All speakers are internationally well-known experts from Europe, the U.S. and beyond. | ||||
Lernziel | After the workshop and lecture series, participants should be acquainted with interdisciplinary approaches in law and economics. They should also have an overview of current topics of international research in this area. | ||||
Inhalt | The workshop and lecture series will present a mix of speakers who represent the wide range of current social science research methods applied to law. In particular, theoretical models, empirical and experimental research as well as legal research methods will be represented. This series is held each spring semester. In the fall semester, the series is complemented by two specialized law-and-economics series, one on law & finance and one on innovation. | ||||
Skript | To be discussed papers are posted in advance on the course web page ( | ||||
851-0732-03L | Intellectual Property: An Introduction Number of participants limited to 150 Particularly suitable for students of D-ARCH, D-BIOL, D-CHAB, D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MAVT, D- MATL, D-MTEC. | 2 KP | 2V | S. Bechtold, M. Schonger | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The course introduces students to the basics of the intellectual property system and of innovation policy. Areas covered include patent, copyright, trademark, design, know-how protection, open source, and technology transfer. The course looks at Swiss, European, U.S. and international law and uses examples from a broad range of technologies. Insights can be used in academia, industry or start-ups. | ||||
Lernziel | Intellectual property issues become more and more important in our society. In order to prepare students for their future challenges in research, industry or start-ups, this course introduces them to the foundations of the intellectual property system. The course covers patent, copyright, trademark, design, know-how protection, open source, and technology transfer law. It explains links to contract, antitrust, Internet, privacy and communications law where appropriate. While the introduction to these areas of the law is designed at a general level, examples and case studies come from various jurisdictions, including Switzerland, the European Union, the United States, and international law. In addition, the course introduces students to the fundamentals of innovation policy. After exposing students to the economics of intellectual property protection, the course asks questions such as: Why do states grant property rights in inventions? Has the protection of intellectual property gone too far? How do advances in biotechnology and the Internet affect the intellectual property system? What is the relationship between open source, open access and intellectual property? What alternatives to intellectual property protection exist? Knowing how the intellectual property system works and what kind of protection is available is useful for all students who are interested in working in academia, industry or in starting their own company. Exposing students to the advantages and disadvantages of the intellectual property system enables them to participate in the current policy discussions on intellectual property, innovation and technology law. The course will include practical examples and case studies as well as guest speakers from industry and private practice. | ||||
851-0740-00L | Big Data, Law, and Policy Number of participants limited to 35 Students will be informed by 4.3.2018 at the latest | 3 KP | 2S | S. Bechtold, T. Roscoe, E. Vayena | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course introduces students to societal perspectives on the big data revolution. Discussing important contributions from machine learning and data science, the course explores their legal, economic, ethical, and political implications in the past, present, and future. | ||||
Lernziel | This course is intended both for students of machine learning and data science who want to reflect on the societal implications of their field, and for students from other disciplines who want to explore the societal impact of data sciences. The course will first discuss some of the methodological foundations of machine learning, followed by a discussion of research papers and real-world applications where big data and societal values may clash. Potential topics include the implications of big data for privacy, liability, insurance, health systems, voting, and democratic institutions, as well as the use of predictive algorithms for price discrimination and the criminal justice system. Guest speakers, weekly readings and reaction papers ensure a lively debate among participants from various backgrounds. | ||||
860-0018-00L | Big Data, Law, and Policy (with Case Study) Limited number of participants. Students will be informed by 4.3.2018 at the latest | 6 KP | 2S + 2A | S. Bechtold, T. Roscoe, E. Vayena | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course examines and critiques the design of the Internet, with a focus on the connection between the engineering features and principles of the network and the legal, economic, and political concerns which have followed its evolution. | ||||
Lernziel | This course examines and critiques the design of the Internet (broadly defined), with a focus on the connection between the engineering features and principles of the network (packet switching, global addressing, the end-to-end argument, etc.) and the legal, economic, and political concerns which have followed its evolution (security properties, censorship and censorship resistance, "net neutrality", etc.). No prior knowledge of networking technologies is required; conversely the course will focus only on those features of the Internet design which have strong political and legal implications (and vice versa). The course consists of two parts: lectures and seminars in one part provide an introduction and discussion of the technical, legal, and political aspects of the Internet design. The other part consists of a specific case study of some aspect of the Internet by individual students. |