Adrian Gilli: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2020

NameHerr Dr. Adrian Gilli
Dep. Erd- u Planetenwissenschaften
ETH Zürich, NO D 65
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 36 94
DepartementErd- und Planetenwissenschaften

651-4043-00LSedimentology II: Biological and Chemical Processes in Lacustrine and Marine Systems
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the MSc-course "Sedimentology I" (651-4041-00L).
3 KP2GV. Picotti, A. Gilli, I. Hernández Almeida, H. Stoll
KurzbeschreibungThe course will focus on biological amd chemical aspects of sedimentation in marine environments. Marine sedimentation will be traced from coast to deep-sea. The use of stable isotopes palaeoceanography will be discussed. Neritic, hemipelagic and pelagic sediments will be used as proxies for environmental change during times of major perturbations of climate and oceanography.
Lernziel-You will understand chemistry and biology of the marine carbonate system
-You will be able to relate carbonate mineralogy with facies and environmental conditions
-You will be familiar with cool-water and warm-water carbonates
-You will see carbonate and organic-carbon rich sediments as part of the global carbon cycle
-You will be able to recognize links between climate and marine carbonate systems (e.g. acidification of oceans and reef growth)
-You will be able to use geological archives as source of information on global change
-You will have an overview of marine sedimentation through time
Inhalt-carbonates,: chemistry, mineralogy, biology
-carbonate sedimentation from the shelf to the deep sea
-carbonate facies
-cool-water and warm-water carbonates
-organic-carbon and black shales
-C-cycle, carbonates, Corg : CO2 sources and sink
-Carbonates: their geochemical proxies for environmental change: stable isotopes, Mg/Ca, Sr
-marine sediments thorugh geological time
-carbonates and evaporites
-lacustrine carbonates
-economic aspects of limestone
Skriptno script. scientific articles will be distributed during the course
LiteraturWe will read and critically discuss scientific articles relevant for "biological and chemical processes in marine and lacustrine systems"
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe grading of students is based on in-class exercises and end-semester examination.
651-4117-00LSediment Analysis Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the MSc-course "Sedimentology I" (651-4041-00L).
3 KP2GM. G. Fellin, A. Gilli, V. Picotti
KurzbeschreibungTheoretische Grundlagen und Anwendungen von einfachen Methoden der Sedimentuntersuchung.
LernzielDas Ziel ist die korrekte Anwendung der Korngrösse- und Gefüge-Analyse an Sedimenten, um die sedimentären Prozesse und Ablagerungsräume zu bestimmen.
InhaltA one-day fieldtrip to a local outcrop to learn how to describe sediments in the field and to collect samples for grain-size and compositional analysis. Application of the same analytical techniques on samples of unknown origin: the sampling sites will be revealed at the end of the course. Discussion of the theoretical background and of the results in class. At the end of the course, the student will have to hand in a report with the presentation and discussion of all the data produced during the course.
SkriptFor the various analytical methods English texts will be provided in class.
LiteraturIntroduction to clastic sedimentology. R.J. Cheel, Brock University
651-4131-00LIntroduction to Digital Mapping Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 20.
2 KP3VM. Ziegler, Z. M. Braden, A. Galli, A. Gilli
KurzbeschreibungThis course gives an introduction to digital mapping in geosciences from data collection to the final map/model construction. The course focuses on the practical application of different digital mapping tools.
LernzielThe students are able to
• describe possible applications using digital mapping devices in geosciences
• apply selected digital mapping tools in the office and in the field
• visualize field data
• evaluate 2D and 3D geodata for the development of a geological model
InhaltThe following topics are covered
• Sensor specifications of tablets and smartphones
• Field apps and databases used in digital mapping
• Access to spatial geodata in Switzerland, but also worldwide
• Visualization of 2D and 3D data
• Several case studies on digital mapping
• 1 day excursion with practical training underground and with surface geology
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisite is
• 651-4031-00 Geographic Information Systems or an equivalent course
• 651-3482-00 Geological Field Course II: Sedimentary Rocks or an equivalent course