Karin Sander: Course units in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Prof. em. Karin Sander
FieldArchitecture and Art
Dep. Architektur
ETH Zürich, HIL F 46.1
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich
RelationshipProfessor emerita

052-0503-00LArchitecture and Art I Information
Project grading at semester end is based on the list of enrolments on Friday 2nd November 2018, 24:00 h (valuation date) only.
Ultimate deadline to unsubscribe or enroll for the studio is Friday 2nd November 2018, 24:00 h.
8 credits2V + 5G + 1UH. E. Franzen, K. Sander
052-0521-18L3D Scanning and Freeform Modeling Information Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.

Enrolment in agreement with the lecturer only (grueninger@arch.ethz.ch).
2 credits2UK. Sander
052-0523-18L360° - Reality to Virtuality Information Restricted registration - show details 4 credits4GK. Sander, A. Wieser
063-0201-18L3D Scanning and Freeform Modeling (Thesis Elective) Information 6 credits11AK. Sander