Melanie Paschke: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Dr. Melanie Paschke
Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center
ETH Zürich, TAN D 5.2
Tannenstrasse 1
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 60 22
Fax+41 44 632 18 26

151-0091-10LEngineering Tool: Scientific Writing Restricted registration - show details
All Engineering Tool courses are for MAVT-Bachelor students only.

Number of participants limited to 60.

Only one course can be chosen per semester.
0.4 credits1KM. Walter, M. Paschke
AbstractParticipants acquire scientific writing basics as a core competency to communicate with different audiences. They apply important methods and tools to refine a scientific question, research and evalutate the necessary information, quote and paraphrase, and to plan the structure of their own text.
Learning objectiveStudents are able to
- derive and structure ideas for a text starting from a scientific question using simple techniques
- find literature sources, check their relevance and completeness, organize them with a suitable tool and cite correctly
- apply a reading technique for summarizing a text
- distinguish plagiarism, quotation and paraphrase in texts using the presented criteria and correctly cite or paraphrase external content
- use and cite information from the Internet correctly
- plan and structure specialized texts that refer to different target groups
1.Halbtag: Recherchieren und Lesen
(1) Auf Vorhandenem aufbauen
(2) Ideen generieren
(3) Recherchieren
(4) Quellen beurteilen

2.Halbtag: Paraphrasieren nicht Plagiarisieren (1 Nachmittag, 3 Stunden, 15 min Pause)
(1) Verantwortlich sein: der Wert des eigenständigen Denkens
(2) Regeln und Anweisungen: was ist ein Plagiat, wie wird es an der ETHZ gehandhabt, Eigenständigkeitserklärung, Prüfwerkzeuge
(3) Zitieren und Paraphrasieren - so geht's
(4) Paraphrasieren oder Zitieren?
(5) Lesen und verstehen
(6) Vom Umgang mit Quellen und Material aus dem Internet

3.Halbtag: Einen Text strukturieren und generieren
(1) Verwendung einer Standard-Textstruktur als Vorlage für ein Outline
(2) Ein Grundgeruest mit Abschnitten erstellen
(3) Eine Textabschnitt schreiben

- Inputs: Kurzvorträge
- Uebungen: während des Nachmittags selbständig in Moodle anhand von Fallstudien
- Feedback und Diskussion: Lösungen der Studierenden via Moodle an Dozentenbeamer und Besprechen durch die Dozierenden

Zu allen Inhaltsteilen gibt es Übungsteile in Moodle, für die ein Laptop mit funktionierendem Internetanschluss benötigt wird.
LiteratureLernmaterialien: Wissenschaftliches Schreiben, WiSch (bachelor's level):
Prerequisites / NoticeComputer für Online-Übungen während der Veranstaltung.
551-0205-00LChallenges in Plant Sciences Information
Number of participants limited to 40.
2 credits2KS. C. Zeeman, M. Paschke, further lecturers
AbstractThe colloquium introduces students to the disciplines in plant sciences and provides integrated knowledge from the molecular level to ecosystems and from basic research to applications, making use of the synergies between the different research groups of the PSC. The colloquium offers a unique chance to approach interdisciplinary topics as a challenge in the field of plant sciences.
Learning objectiveMajor objectives of the colloquium are:

introduction of graduate students and Master students to the broad field of plant sciences
promotion of an interdisciplinary and integrative teaching program
promotion of active participation and independent work of students
promotion of presentation and discussion skills
increased interaction among students and professors
ContentChallenges in Plant Sciences will cover the following topics:
Chemical communication among plants, insect and pathogens.
Specificity in hormone signaling.
Genetic networks.
Plant-plant interactions.
Resilience of tropical ecosystems.
Regulatory factors controlling cell wall formation.
Chlorophyll breakdown.
Innate immunity.
Disease resistance genes.
Sustainable agroecosystems.
551-0209-00LSustainable Plant Systems (Seminar)2 credits2SM. Paschke, F. Liebisch, further lecturers
AbstractParticipants will be able to discuss and understand sustainability in the context of plant science research. A special focus will be on research on agro-ecological systems and farming system research.
Learning objectiveKey objectives for the seminar are that (1) participants will be able to discuss issues of sustainability in the context of current plant science research topics (2) participants will be able to phrase their own visions for sustainability in plant sciences, their group work topic and their own MSc or PhD project.
ContentFuture demand in agricultural output is supposed to match the needs of 9-billion people with less input of resources.
We will discuss current plant science research in the context of sustainability on the production side. Thematic areas of the seminar include:

1 | Biotic interactions
2 | Nutrient management
3 | Plant breeding
4 | Global change

A special focus will be on research on agro-ecological systems and farming system research. Can we transform our agricultural practices and move behind existing paradigms to develop innovative and sustainable agriculture production systems? Where does current research indicate on directions for transformation of current practice and how can we assess and analyze them though research?

The course will be organized with two workshops (half days, 14:00 - 18:00) and an intensive, well-structured self-study/ group work phase in between the workshops. Online learning material in provided.

More information:
Lecture notesAccess to the learning platform: (use your AAI login)