Eva Zbinden Kaessner: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019

NameMs Eva Zbinden Kaessner
DepartmentHealth Sciences and Technology

752-0801-00LFood Law and Legislation1 credit1VC. Spinner, E. Zbinden Kaessner
AbstractIntroduction to the principles of the EU and international Organisations, Principles of the Swiss food law.
Learning objectiveKnowledge of the principles and the structure of the EU in general and in the area of food safety, overview of the relevant bilateral agreements CH-EU as well as on the most important international organisations (Codex Alimentarius and WTO) and their influence on the Swiss regulations on food safety.
Knowledge of the structure of Swiss food legislation and the most important regulations of the Swiss food law. The general principles, institutions and execution of the Swiss food law as well as the implementation of food law in the context of self-supervision are known. Analytical data and premises and their equipment can be judged in the legal context of food law.
ContentGeneral introduction into the EU and in the area of food safety (regulation on food safety), legislative procedures in the EU, introduction into the relevant bilateral agreements CH-EU, introduction into international organisations (e.g. Codex Alimentarius), general principles of the Swiss food law and the most important regulations as well as the most important legal procedures, legal settlement and the duties and responsibilities of the Food control authorities.
Lecture notesCopies of the presentations will be handed out.
LiteratureDocuments about Codex Alimetarius, the EU regulation as well as the Swiss food law and some regulations will be handed out.
Prerequisites / NoticeQualifications: General knowledge of the food sciences.
The lecture will be held in German.