Marc Pollefeys: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2023

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Marc Pollefeys
Institut für Visual Computing
ETH Zürich, CNB G 105
Universitätstrasse 6
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 31 05
Fax+41 44 632 17 39
BeziehungOrdentlicher Professor

252-0579-00L3D Vision Information 5 KP3G + 1AM. Pollefeys, D. B. Baráth
KurzbeschreibungThe course covers camera models and calibration, feature tracking and matching, camera motion estimation via simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and visual odometry (VO), epipolar and mult-view geometry, structure-from-motion, (multi-view) stereo, augmented reality, and image-based (re-)localization.
LernzielAfter attending this course, students will:
1. understand the core concepts for recovering 3D shape of objects and scenes from images and video.
2. be able to implement basic systems for vision-based robotics and simple virtual/augmented reality applications.
3. have a good overview over the current state-of-the art in 3D vision.
4. be able to critically analyze and asses current research in this area.
InhaltThe goal of this course is to teach the core techniques required for robotic and augmented reality applications: How to determine the motion of a camera and how to estimate the absolute position and orientation of a camera in the real world. This course will introduce the basic concepts of 3D Vision in the form of short lectures, followed by student presentations discussing the current state-of-the-art. The main focus of this course are student projects on 3D Vision topics, with an emphasis on robotic vision and virtual and augmented reality applications.
264-5800-21LDoctoral Seminar in Visual Computing (FS23) Information 1 KP1SD. B. Baráth, M. Gross, M. Pollefeys, B. Solenthaler, O. Sorkine Hornung, S. Tang
KurzbeschreibungIn this doctoral seminar, current research at the Institute for Visual Computing will be presented and discussed. The goal is to learn about current research projects at our institute, to strengthen our expertise in the field, to provide a platform where research challenges caThis graduate seminar provides doctoral students in computer science a chance to read and discuss current research papers.
LernzielIn this doctoral seminar, current research at the Institute for Visual Computing will be presented and discussed. The goal is to learn about current research projects at our institute, to strengthen our expertise in the field, to provide a platform where research challenges can be discussed, and also to practice scientific presentations.
InhaltCurrent research at the IVC will be presented and discussed.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis course requires solid knowledge in the area of Computer Graphics and Computer Vision as well as state-of-the-art research.