Lutz Wingert: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2021

Name Prof. em. Dr. Lutz Wingert
FieldPhilosophy, Practical Philosophy in particular
Professur für Philosophie
ETH Zürich, RZ F 2
Clausiusstrasse 59
8092 Zürich
DepartmentHumanities, Social and Political Sciences
RelationshipProfessor emeritus

851-0096-00LScience in Society3 credits2GL. Wingert
AbstractWhose voice should count how much? On the authority of the sciences in democracy.
Learning objectiveNot a few members of the elites argue that important issues in democracy like policies against climate change, free trade agreements, urban planning are too complicate for the people. Experts should have a stronger say in politics. Less democracy = more rationality? The course should give an answer to this question.
851-0101-80LBasic Problems of Environmental Ethics3 credits2GL. Wingert
AbstractClimate change exerts a pressure on us to significantly change our individual and collective behaviour. Such a pressure raises questions like: Who has to give up what? What is a fair distributions of the burdens in the struggle against the cllimate change? What is the reasonable understanding of our relation to nature? How should we run our economies?
Learning objectiveParticipants should become familiar with basic approaches to central problems in environmental ethics.

The course will try to give an argument-based answer to the question: What are the responsibilities for individuals (e.g. as consumers), and for collectivities (e.g. states and firms).

Another focus will be to clarify the concept of "climate justice".

The course should also enable participants to evaluate different answers to the question how we should organize our economies for securing our ecological niche.
LiteraturePreparatory Literature

1. Dieter Birnbacher, Klimaethik, Stuttgart: Reclam 2016.

2. John Broome, Climate Matters, New York/London: Norton 2012.

3. Stephen M. Gardiner, A Perfect Moral Storm. The Tragedy of Climate Change, Oxford: University Press 2015.

4. Naomi Klein, Die Entscheidung: Kapitalismus vs Klima, Frankfurt/M.: Fischer 2016.
862-0004-13LResearch Colloquium Philosophy for Master Students and PhD (HS 2021) Restricted registration - show details
For MAGPW and PhD students of D-GESS only.
2 credits1KR. Wagner, M. Hampe, L. Wingert
AbstractPh.D. students, post docs, members of staff, and senior colleagues from other philosophy departments will report on their work in progress. Furthermore, promissing new philosophical articles and parts of new philosophical books will be studied.
Learning objectiveIdeas and arguments dealing with systematic problems especially in epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, and the philosophy of mind will be scrutinized and elaborated.