Marco Stampanoni: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Prof. Dr. Marco Stampanoni
FieldX-ray Imaging
Professur für Röntgenbildgebung
ETH Zürich, GLC F 17.1
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 86 50
DepartmentInformation Technology and Electrical Engineering
RelationshipFull Professor

227-0965-00LMicro and Nano-Tomography of Biological Tissues4 credits3GM. Stampanoni, P. A. Kaestner
AbstractThe lecture introduces the physical and technical know-how of X-ray tomographic microscopy. Several X-ray imaging techniques (absorption-, phase- and darkfield contrast) will be discussed and their use in daily research, in particular biology, is presented. The course discusses the aspects of quantitative evaluation of tomographic data sets like segmentation, morphometry and statistics.
Learning objectiveIntroduction to the basic concepts of X-ray tomographic imaging, image analysis and data quantification at the micro and nano scale with particular emphasis on biological applications
ContentSynchrotron-based X-ray micro- and nano-tomography is today a powerful technique for non-destructive, high-resolution investigations of a broad range of materials. The high-brilliance and high-coherence of third generation synchrotron radiation facilities allow quantitative, three-dimensional imaging at the micro and nanometer scale and extend the traditional absorption imaging technique to edge-enhanced and phase-sensitive measurements, which are particularly suited for investigating biological samples.

The lecture includes a general introduction to the principles of tomographic imaging from image formation to image reconstruction. It provides the physical and engineering basics to understand how imaging beamlines at synchrotron facilities work, looks into the recently developed phase contrast methods, and explores the first applications of X-ray nano-tomographic experiments.

The course finally provides the necessary background to understand the quantitative evaluation of tomographic data, from basic image analysis to complex morphometrical computations and 3D visualization, keeping the focus on biomedical applications.
Lecture notesAvailable online
LiteratureWill be indicated during the lecture.
227-0970-00LResearch Topics in Biomedical Engineering0 credits2KK. P. Prüssmann, S. Kozerke, M. Stampanoni, K. Stephan, J. Vörös
AbstractCurrent topics in Biomedical Engineering presented by speakers from academia and industry.
Learning objectiveGetting insight into actual areas and problems of Biomedical Engineering an Health Care.