Falk Wittel: Courses in Autumn Semester 2017

Award: The Golden Owl
Name Dr. Falk Wittel
Name variantsFalk K. Wittel
Institut für Baustoffe (IfB)
ETH Zürich, HIF E 27
Laura-Hezner-Weg 7
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 28 71
DepartmentCivil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

101-0615-01LMaterials III Restricted registration - show details 4 credits4P
101-0615-01 PWerkstoffe III (inkl. Werkstoffpraktikum)
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
4 hrs
Wed12:45-16:30HIL E 4 »
R. J. Flatt, I. Burgert, P. Lura, H. Richner, F. Wittel
101-0617-00LMaterials IV Information 3 credits2G
101-0617-00 GMaterials IV2 hrs
Mon12:45-14:30HIL E 8 »
H. J. Herrmann, I. Burgert, R. J. Flatt, F. Wittel
101-0639-01LScience and Engineering of Glass and Natural Stone in Construction Information 3 credits2G
101-0639-01 GScience and Engineering of Glass and Natural Stone in Construction2 hrs
Fri/108:00-11:30HIF E 19 »
F. Wittel, T. Wangler