Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
376-1414-00L | Current Topics in Brain Research | 1 KP | 1.5K | M. E. Schwab,
F. Helmchen,
I. Mansuy,
O. L. D. Raineteau |
Kurzbeschreibung | Es werden verschiedene wissenschaftliche Gäste aus dem In-und Ausland eingeladen, um Ihre aktuellen Forschungsdaten zu präsentieren und diskutieren. |
Lernziel | Der Austausch von wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und Daten und die Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit unter den Forschungenden zu fördern. |
Inhalt | Verschiedene wissenschaftliche Gäste aus den Bereichen Molekulares Bewusstsein, Neurochemie, Neuromorphologie und Neurophysiologie berichten über ihre neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse. |
Skript | kein Skript |
Literatur | keine |
551-1316-00L | CIMST Interdisciplinary Summer School on Bio-Medical Imaging | 3 KP | 6G | R. Kroschewski,
S. M. Ametamey,
Y. Barral,
G. Csúcs,
F. Helmchen,
P. Horvath,
T. Ishikawa,
B. Kornmann,
P. Koumoutsakos,
S. Kozerke,
M. Peter,
M. Rudin,
R. Schibli,
B. Schuler,
M. Stampanoni,
G. Székely,
R. A. Wepf,
M. P. Wolf |
Kurzbeschreibung | The school will discuss recent progress and current challenges in biological and medical imaging. Topics include computer aided image analysis and modeling. The students will have theoretical training in the form of lectures and practical sessions (either hands-on lab work or lab demonstrations). |
Lernziel | The students know about the possibilities and limitations of a wide range of modern imaging methods and can propose suitable methods for a given imaging problem. |
Inhalt | The CIMST (Center for Imaging Science and Technology, a Competence Center of ETH Zurich) summer school discusses recent progress and current challenges in biological and medical imaging. The students will have theoretical training in the form of lectures and practical sessions (either hands-on lab work or lab demonstrations). A specialization on medical or biological imaging will be offered. Some lectures will be given in parallel for life scientists and physical scientists. Cutting edge techniques using a wide range of imaging mechanisms such as magnetic resonance, positron emission, infrared and optical microscopy, electron microscopy and x-ray imaging will be put in the context of selected biomedical problems. In particular, multimodal and multiscale imaging methods as well as supporting technologies such as computer aided imaging analysis and modeling will be discussed. The school aims to point out possibilities of the integration of different imaging methods. |
Skript | None |
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | We plan to admit about 50 Master or PhD students with background in either biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer or medical science or engineering (Zürich area and from abroad). The school will be taught in English. Admission will be given via a selection process based on the curriculum vitae, a statement of purpose. For details of the program and the application procedure please consult The application deadline is May 28, 2012. A decision on whether your application is accepted or not will be given in June 2012. Only after a positive decision is received, you may sign in via my-studies in the course. |