Jonathan Hall: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Award: The Golden Owl
Name Prof. Dr. Jonathan Hall
FieldPharmazeutische Chemie
Inst. f. Pharmazeutische Wiss.
ETH Zürich, HCI H 437
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 74 35
Fax+41 44 633 13 69
DepartmentChemistry and Applied Biosciences
RelationshipFull Professor

511-0000-00LDrug Discovery and Development Restricted registration - show details
Only for Pharmaceutical Sciences MSc.
2 credits2GU. Thibaut, J. Hall
AbstractThis course provides an overview over the concepts and processes employed in today's drug discovery and development. It has an introductory character but will also provide more detailed insights employing real life examples. The course combines lectures and interactive elements with active participation of the students.
Learning objectiveStudents
- Understand the drug discovery process and can explain major approaches and relevant technical terms (for details see lecture notes).
- Understand and appreciate the content and timing of drug development process steps, development phases and decision criteria.
- Understand the concepts underlying drug product development through all the phases from preclinical and clinical development to regulatory submission, approval and market launch.
- Can differentiate between small molecule drug development and biological drug development.
- Understand the most important differences between legal and regulatory requirements for drug development and approval for the major markets EU and USA.
ContentDrug Discovery (day 1):

Introduction to drug discovery: the concepts of drug target selection, ligands/leads, the developability of drug candidates;
Overview over the principal approaches to drug discovery: rational drug design, the natural product approach, serendipity, repurposing as well as chemical libraries and high-throughput screening.

Drug Development (days 2 and 3):

Introduction to the industrial drug product development processes covering the following phases: preclinical research and development, clinical development, regulatory processes and market launch.
R&D support processes such as project management, quality management, pharmacovigilance and pharmacoeconomics will be covered as well as organizational and governance aspects of the pharmaceutical industry.
Lecture notesWill be published on "mystudies"
LiteratureG. Nahler (Hrsg.) Dictionary of pharmaceutical medicine, Springer, Wien, 2013 (3rd edition)
Further readings will be listed in the lecture notes.
Prerequisites / NoticeThis course provides the essential basic knowledge required for the industry-specific modules of the spring semester.
535-0001-00LIntroduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences I2 credits2VC. Halin Winter, K.‑H. Altmann, S. M. Ametamey, M. Detmar, B. A. Gander, J. Hall, J.‑C. Leroux, C. Müller, D. Neri, U. Quitterer, R. Schibli, G. Schneider, H. U. Zeilhofer
AbstractFirst identification with Pharmaceutical Sciences; motivation for profiling in the Natural Sciences, which are focused on within the first two years as a preparation for the specialized studies; sensitization for the duties and the responsibilities of a person with a federal diploma in Pharmacy; information about job opportunities.
Learning objectiveFirst identification with Pharmaceutical Sciences; motivation for profiling in the Natural Sciences as a preparation for the specialized studies; sensitization for the duties and the responsibilities of a person with a federal diploma in Pharmacy; information about job opportunities.
ContentIntroduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences by selected milestones of research and development. Overview on research activities at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences that is focussed on drug delivery and development (from concepts to prototypes). Sensitization for communication skills and information management. Demonstration of job opportunities in community pharmacies, in the hospital, in industry, and in the public sector by experts in the different fields.
Lecture notesHandouts for individual lectures.
Prerequisites / NoticeInteractive teaching
535-0011-00LDrug Seminar Restricted registration - show details
The course is reserved for students registered in the Master's programme in Pharmacy or in Pharmaceutical Sciences
5 credits9SM. Detmar, K.‑H. Altmann, S. M. Ametamey, B. A. Gander, C. Halin Winter, J. Hall, S.‑D. Krämer, J.‑C. Leroux, C. Müller, D. Neri, V. I. Otto, U. Quitterer, R. Schibli, G. Schneider, C. Steuer, H. U. Zeilhofer
AbstractThe course provides a platform for the investigation, presentation and discussion of a topic with relevance to the field of pharmaceutical sciences. Students work in small groups on a chosen topic, they write a mini-review and present their work on a one day symposium.
Learning objectiveThe main objectives of this course are:

- students develop their scientific reflection (Critical Thinking) and working skills by working independently on a relevant pharmaceutical topic
- students gain in-depth knowledge of the topic investigated
- students train their scientific writing and presentation skills
- students train their ability to plan a project and work in a team
ContentThe Course Drug Seminar takes place during the first 7 weeks of the 1. Master semester. It is a compulsory course of the MSc Pharmacy curriculum and an elective course in the MSc PharmSciences.

The course provides a platform for the investigation, presentation and discussion of a topic with relevance to the field of pharmaceutical sciences.

During the course, students work in small teams on a topic of their choice and elaborate a written mini-review and an oral presentation. Each team is tutored by a lecturer of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The work is mainly based on literature search / review, but may also involve conducting interviews or site visits, if appropriate. The final presentations of all groups will take place in the framework of a dedicated Symposium held in the middle of the semester.
Prerequisites / NoticeOnly for students of MSc Pharmacy and MSc Pharmaceutical Sciences.
535-0230-00LMedicinal Chemistry I2 credits2VJ. Hall
AbstractThe lectures give an overview of selected drugs and the molecular mechanisms underlying their therapeutic effects in disease. The historical and modern-day methods by which these drugs were discovered and developed are described. Structure-function relationships and the biophysical rules underlying ligand-target interactions will be discussed and illustrated with examples.
Learning objectiveBasic understanding of therapeutic agents with respect to molecular, pharmacological and pharmaceutical properties.
ContentMolecular mechanisms of action of drugs. Structure function and biophysical basis of ligand-target interactions
Lecture notesWill be provided in parts before each individual lecture.
Literature- G.L. Patrick, "An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry", 5th edition, Oxford University Press
- D. Steinhilber, M. Schubert-Zsilavecz, H.J. Roth, "Medizinische Chemie", Deutscher Apotheker Verlag Stuttgart (2005)
- J.H. Block, J.M. Beale, "Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry", 11th edition, Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins (2002)
- A. Gringauz, "How Drugs Act and Why", Wiley (1997)
Prerequisites / NoticeRequirements: Knowledge of physical and organic chemistry, biochemistry and biology.
Attendance of Medicinal Chemistry II in the spring semester.
535-0239-00LPractical Course in Medicinal Chemistry Restricted registration - show details 3 credits7PJ. Hall, M. Detmar, C. Halin Winter, D. Neri
AbstractThe course comprises experiments relating to concepts of medicinal chemistry including statistical processing, fitting of experimental data, computer modeling of protein structures, experimental measurement of affinity constants and kinetic dissociation constants for protein ligands. The chemical stability of a drug will be studied. Basic gene cloning and protein expression will be introduced.
Learning objectiveKnowledge of experimental methods in drug discovery and development
ContentCharacterisation of the biophysical and biological properties of drugs.
Lecture notesScripts
LiteratureOriginal literature
Prerequisites / NoticeRequirements:
Laboratory course in Pharmaceutical Anaytics;
Lecture Medicinal Chemistry I in the same semester or earlier.
535-0900-00LSeminars on Drug Discovery and Development1 credit1KR. Schibli, K.‑H. Altmann, S. M. Ametamey, M. Detmar, B. A. Gander, C. Halin Winter, J. Hall, J.‑C. Leroux, D. Neri, U. Quitterer, G. Schneider, H. U. Zeilhofer
AbstractState-of-the-art information on drug discovery and development by experts from academia and industry.
Learning objectiveState-of-the-art information on drug discovery and development.
ContentSeminar series of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Experts from academia and industry report on relevant topics.
535-1001-00LLaboratory Course General Chemistry (for Biology and Pharmacy) Information Restricted registration - show details
Information about the practical course will be given on the first day.
6 credits8PR. O. Kissner, K.‑H. Altmann, J. Hall, D. Neri, G. Schneider, M. D. Wörle
AbstractIntroduction to the practical work in a chemistry laboratory. The most important manipulations and techniques are treated, as well as the the most fundamental chemical reaction types.
Learning objective- Knowledge of the basic chemical laboratory methods.
- Basic knowledge of the scientific approach in experimenting.
- Observation and interpretation of real-world chemical processes.
- Keeping of a reliable laboratory journal.
Content- Simple chemical methods and calculations.
- Separation techniques.
- Physical measurements: mass, volume, pH, optical spectra.
- Ionic solids (salts).
- Acid/base chemistry, buffers.
- Redox reactions.
- Metal complexes.
- Titration methods and quantitative spectrometry.
- Introduction to qualitative analysis.
Lecture notesCourse manual in German (is handed out to the students at the begin of the lessons).
Language: German, English upon request.

PDF files available at
LiteratureBasic Concepts of Chemistry, International Student Version, 8th Edition, Leo J. Malone, Theodore Dolter

is a suitable textbook.
Prerequisites / NoticeThis practical course causes costs for materials and chemicals. The costs are charged to the students at the end of semester.
551-1309-00LRNA-Biology Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 26.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
6 credits7GB. Mateescu, F. Allain, C. Beyer, J. Corn, J. Hall, M. Jinek, S. Jonas, R. Santoro, O. Voinnet, K. Weis, A. Wutz
AbstractIntroduction to the diversity of current RNA-research at all levels from structural biology to systems biology using mainly model systems like S. cerevisiae (yeast), mammalian cells.
Learning objectiveThe students will obtain an overview about the diversity of current RNA-research. They will learn to design experiments and use techniques necessary to analyze different aspects of RNA biology. Through lectures and literature seminars, they will learn about the burning questions of RNA research and discuss approaches to address these questions experimentally. In practical lab projects the students will work in one of the participating laboratories. Finally, they will learn how to present and discuss their data in an appropriate manner. Student assessment is a graded semester performance based on individual performance in the laboratory, the written exam and the poster presentation.
LiteratureDocumentation and recommended literature will be provided at the beginning and during the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course will be taught in English.
551-1409-00LRNA Biology Lecture Series II: Non-coding RNAs: Biology and Therapeutics
Does not take place this semester.
4 credits2VJ. Hall, M. Stoffel, further lecturers
AbstractThis course covers aspects of RNA biology related to the functions of non-coding RNAs as well as their use as drugs to treat diseases.
Learning objectiveThe students should get familiar with the wide array of roles, which non-coding RNAs play in cellular functions.
ContentMicro RNAs; computational approaches to miRNAs; micro RNA function in metabolism; viruses and viral RNAs; nucleic acid-based drugs; ncRNA-mediated genome regulation; epigenetic programming of genome remodelling in ciliates; telomerase and telomeres; tRNA biology.
Prerequisites / NoticeBasic knowledge of cell and molecular biology.