Felix Gugerli: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2021

NameHerr Dr. Felix Gugerli
Zürcherstrasse 111
Bi MG C 32
8903 Birmensdorf ZH
Telefon044 739 25 90

701-1620-00LTree Genetics – Concepts and Applications3 KP2GA. Rudow, P. Brang, F. Gugerli, C. Sperisen
KurzbeschreibungTrees are important elements and drivers of ecosystem processes in forests and landscapes. Tree species diversity and intraspecific genetic diversity are relevant factors for continuous adaptation, required for a sustainable maintenance of forest products and services. Sustainable forest and landscape management under climate change has to take forest genetic resources into consideration.
LernzielThe educational goals of the course are:
To know basic concepts of evolution and molecular and quantitative methods of genetics.
To understand the most relevant processes of gene flow, adaptation and species interactions, on the basis of ecological theories and case studies on forest tree species.
To know management principles and instruments for the promotion and the conservation of forest genetic resources, with a view on application in practice.
InhaltThe course provides a comprehensive overview on concepts and applications of tree genetics and complements basic knowledge of biology, dendrology, forest ecology and forest management in the frame of forest and landscape management topics. It introduces concepts of evolution and genetic methods as foundations, explains the most important processes and drivers of gene flow and adaptation, including coevolutionary aspects of associated organisms, and shows relevant topics of the management of genetic resources from reproduction to conservation and monitoring. Theories and their application into practice are illustrated on behalf of case studies on forest tree species. Two full-day excursions illustrate the contents with exemplary objects, actors and applications in Switzerland.
SkriptScript: modular slide script (parts by each lecturer).
Textbook: collection of accompanying or background articles according to detailed contents (to be defined).
LiteraturGroover & Cronk (eds.), 2017: Comparative and Evolutionary Genomics of Angiosperm Trees. Springer. 366 p.
Neale & Wheeler, 2019: The Conifers: Genomes, Variation and Evolution. Springer. 590 p.
Hattemer & Ziehe, 2019: Erhaltung forstgenetischer Ressourcen. Grundlagen und Beispiele. Universitätsverlag Göttingen. 553 p.
Holderegger & Segelbacher (eds.), 2016: Naturschutzgenetik. Haupt. 247 p.
Pluess, Augustin & Brang (eds.), 2016: Wald im Klimawandel. Grundlagen für Adaptationsstrategien. (selected chapters 3.2, 5.2)
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesNo mandatory prerequisites. Basic knowledge of dendrology and forest ecology is advantageous and recommended.
701-1676-01LGenomics of Environmental Adaptation Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 14.

Waiting list will be deleted January 20th, 2022.

Prerequisites: good knowledge in population genetics and some experience in using GIS and R is required.
2 KP3GR. Holderegger, F. Gugerli, C. Rellstab
KurzbeschreibungThis five-day winter school aims at teaching advanced Master students, PhD students and post-doctoral researchers on aspects of the genomics of environmental adaptation. It provides both theoretical background and hands-on exercises on major topics of contemporary environmental genomics such as signatures of selection, outlier analysis or environmental association analysis.
LernzielGenomics of environmental adaptation is an evolving scientific field of both basic and applied interest. Researchers make increasing use of diverse methodological approaches built on concepts from ecology, evolutionary biology and population genomics. This winter school introduces students to some major concepts and methods of environmental genomics, i.e., (i) how the environment and adaptive genetic variation relate and (ii) how signatures of genomic adaptation can be detected in natural populations. The winter school focuses on currently used methods and hands-on exercises, emphasizing an understanding of the underlying concepts and a discussion of benefits, limitations and pitfalls of environmental genomics. It is specifically aimed at the needs of advanced Master students, PhD students and early post-doctoral researchers.
(1) How selection, drift, gene flow and isolation interact, affect neutral and adaptive genetic variation and influence the genetic structure of populations; genomic markers and next generation sequencing techniques.

(2) Outlier analysis: concept and methodology of outlier analysis; diverse types of outlier analyses

(3) Environmental data: which environmental data are available and used to identify signatures of adaptation; what are their limitations; collinearity.

(4) Environmental association analysis (landscape genomics): concept and types of environmental association analysis; genomic offset.

(5) Genotypes and phenotypes: GWAS; follow-up analyses
SkriptHand-outs will be distributed.
LiteraturThe course requires 4 hours of preparatory reading of selected papers on the genomics of environmental adaptation. The papers will be distributed by e-mail.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesGrading will be according to a written report (6-8 pages), in which students will have to design a complete study in environmental genomics, and according to student contributions during the course.

Prerequisites: students must have good knowledge in population genetics and evolutionary biology and basic skills in R; experience with GIS is advantageous.