Heinz Singer: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2019

NameMr Heinz Singer
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

701-1332-00LAnalysis of Organic Pollutants Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 18.
3 credits6PJ. Hollender, T. Mairinger, H. Singer
AbstractThis lab course provides an in-depth overview of the various steps that have to be carried out when analyzing qualitatively and quantitatively organic pollutants in environmental matrices such as soil and surface waters.
Learning objectiveThis lab course provides an in-depth overview of the various steps that have to be carried out when analyzing qualitatively and quantitatively organic pollutants in environmental matrices such as soil and surface waters. The aims are (i) to get acquainted with the theoretical and practical background required to determine trace organic pollutants in various environmental matrices, and (ii) to get hands-on experience with state of the art methodology and instrumentation used for organic trace analysis.
ContentAll steps including sampling, sample preparation, enrichment, separation, identification and quantification will be carried out using some prominent model pollutants present in natural waters and waste waters. The techniques and instrumentation involved include a.o., solid phase extraction (SPE), gas chromatographic analysis using mass-spectrometric (GC/MS) detection, and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass-spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Evaluation of the analytical data is an important component of the course.
Lecture notesA script will be available.
LiteratureSelected papers will be discussed during the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course builds on the knowledge acquired in the bachelor course “Introduction to Environmental Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry” held in the 5th semester. A script of this course is available.
701-1342-00LAgriculture and Water Quality3 credits3GC. H. Stamm, E. Frossard, W. Richner, H. Singer
AbstractLinking scientific basics of different disciplines (agronomy, soil science, aquatic chemistry) with practical questions in the context of real-world problems of diffuse pollution due to agricultural production.
Learning objectiveThis course discusses the application of scientific understanding in the context of real-world situations of diffuse pollution caused by agricultural production. It aims at understanding the relevant processes, analysing diffuse pollution and developing mitigation strategies starting from legal requirements regarding water quality.
Content- Diversity of diffuse agrochemical pollution
- Agronomic background on the use of agrochemicals
- Transport of agrochemicals from soils to water bodies
- Development of legal requirements for water quality
- Monitoring strategies in water bodies
- Mitigation strategies

- Exercises including all major topics
- 1 field excursion
Lecture notesHandouts will be provided including reference list for each topic.
Prerequisites / NoticeSome exercises require R (http://www.r-project.org/) and a laptop during the class.